Quotes - Repeat Offender (Negotiate with Myself) "In my line of work you gotta keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kinda catapult the propaganda." - Dubya, May 24, 2005
This repeat offense mainly features Dubya heaping praise on fellow Republicans (all the names below are Republicans, with the exception of Tony Blair) for not having their policies swayed by public opinion, in the form of polls and/or focus groups (usually both). Most of the time he is in campaign mode, but once he enters into 2007, Dubya saves this repeat offense mostly for commenting on himself. He even starts throwing in specific references to the Gallup Poll, which add an extra layer of hilarity.
- We can accomplish things on behalf of the American people. Instead of kind of worrying about your own standing or focusing on a focus group, taking a poll to figure out what to believe in. (Jun. 8, 2001)
- We don't take a bunch of polls and focus groups to tell us what — to how to, to how to — to what we ought to do in the world. (Mar. 21, 2002)
- History has called us into action. The thing I admire about this Prime Minister [Tony Blair] is he doesn't need a poll or a focus group to convince him the difference between right and wrong. (Apr. 6, 2002)
- This state will reject old-style politics, and elect as its governor a man who is willing to lead, a man who doesn't need a poll or a focus group to tell him what to think, a man who will stand on principle and a man who has got the courage to do what is right for the people of the state of California. (Apr. 29, 2002)
- I rejected the old-style politics, and that's exactly what Bill Simon is going to do here in California. I am proud to support this new face in American politics. I'm proud to support somebody who doesn't need to take a poll or to have a focus group to tell him what he believes. (May 1, 2002)
- You need a governor who is willing to make tough decisions. And I know Bill Simon is that kind of person. See, he doesn't need a poll or a focus group to tell him what to think. (Aug. 24, 2002)
- I like Chris [Chocola] because not only is he a good, honest fellow, he doesn't need polls to tell him what to believe, doesn't need to run a focus group to figure out what's in his heart, but he's also run a business. (Sep. 5, 2002)
- You need somebody who can make a tough decision who doesn't need a poll or a focus group to tell him how to think. Somebody who stands on principle, somebody who will do in office what he says he will do. And when he says he won't raise your taxes, he won't raise your taxes. I appreciate the fact that Governor Ehrlich will set education as the number one priority for this state. (Oct. 2, 2002)
- John Sununu was with me from the beginning. There was no question in my mind where he stood. He didn't need to take a poll, or a focus group, to make his decision about tax relief. (Oct. 5, 2002)
- First, let me talk about your state. It's important you get a good soul to be your governor, somebody who shares your values — the values of hard work and family, the values of service to others. It's important you get somebody who when they speak, they speak your language, who knows the soul of the citizens of the state. It's important to get somebody in there who doesn't need a poll or a focus group to tell them what to think. (Oct. 8, 2002)
- [Sonny Perdue is] a practical man. He's a down-to-earth fellow who has asked the questions, how do you get the job done. He doesn't wait for a focus group. (Oct. 17, 2002)
- I appreciate Jim Talent's values. He's a family man. He's got his priorities straight. He's a man who doesn't need a focus group or a poll to tell him what to think. (Oct. 18, 2002)
- You know, there's just too much partisan bickering that goes on in the Statehouse. You need somebody who is going to rise above it all, somebody who doesn't need a poll or a focus group to tell him how to think, somebody who stands on principle. Somebody that's going to be the governor of everybody when he wins. And that person is Mark Sanford. (Oct. 24, 2002)
- The governors race of any state is really important. It's important to have somebody who's going to do in office what they say they're going to do, not somebody who kind of walks around taking a poll here and running a focus group there, trying to figure out what position to take. (Oct. 27, 2002)
- With Wayne [Allard], you've got somebody who's willing to work on your behalf. When he says something, he means it. And he does not need a focus group or a poll to tell him what to think. (Oct. 28, 2002)
- I need somebody from this district whose vote I can count on. I don't need to be worrying about somebody who's running a focus group or a poll. (Oct. 31, 2002)
- If you want to do what's right for New Hampshire, if you want to do what's right for America, vote for John Sununu for the United States Senate. I've seen him in action in the Congress. I know what he can do. There's no doubt in my mind that he'd be the most effective voice for all the people of this state, for everybody who's fortunate enough to live in New Hampshire. See, he's the kind of fellow that doesn't require a focus group — or a poll to tell him what to think. (Nov. 1, 2002)
- People who know Anne [Northup] well know what I'm about to say. She's got a big heart. She cares for those who suffer. She doesn't need a poll or a focus group to tell her what to think. (Nov. 1, 2002)
- You know, old Van [Hilleary], he's not what we call a show horse. He's a work horse. He can get the job done. He's a plainspoken fellow. The good thing about him is he doesn't need a poll or a focus group to tell him what to think. (Nov. 2, 2002)
- I don't need somebody from this district where I have to look over my shoulder, wondering where they're standing. I don't need somebody having to run a focus group decide whether or not the President's agenda makes any sense for the American people. (Nov. 3, 2002)
- REPORTER: Given the size of the protests in England over the weekend, do you have any concerns that Tony Blair might pay a serious political price for supporting you on Iraq?
DUBYA: ...First of all, you know, size of protest, it's like deciding, well, I'm going to decide policy based upon a focus group. (Feb. 18, 2003)
- America must lead when it comes to fighting the war on terror. We must continue to rally a coalition of the willing to stay tough and determined, and rout out al Qaeda before they hit us again. That's our obligation. That means when we say we're going to lead, we do, without hesitation, without fear of a political poll or a focus group. (Apr. 20, 2004)
- I am very proud of my brother, the Governor of Florida, Jeb Bush. He is a strong, consistent leader. You do not have to worry about him shifting his political thoughts because of a poll or a focus group. (Oct. 19, 2004)
- Listen, you've got a great United States Senator in George Voinovich. He doesn't need a poll or a focus group to tell him what to think. (Oct. 22, 2004)
- I'm proud of brother Jeb [Bush]. The thing I like about him is you know where he stands. He's not one of these people that takes a poll or a focus group to kind of find his way. (Oct. 23, 2004)
- Jeb Bush is a great Governor for Florida. He's led with conviction. You know, one thing about him, you don't have to worry about where he stands. In other words, he's not one of these politicians who is going to take a poll or run a focus group, trying to figure out what to tell you. (Oct. 23, 2004)
- The people expect us to confront problems without illusion. They expect us to lead with conviction and confidence, not by reading the latest poll or listening to the latest focus group. (Apr. 18, 2005)
- Polls? You know, if a President tries to govern based upon polls, you're kind of like a dog chasing your tail. I don't think you can make good, sound decisions based upon polls. And I don't think the American people want a President who relies upon polls and focus groups to make decisions for the American people. (Apr. 28, 2005)
- Let me put it to you this way. I do not need a poll or a focus group to tell me where I need to lead this country. (May 17, 2005)
- We've got young men and women over their sacrificing. And all of a sudden, because of politics or some focus group or some poll, they stand up and say, we're out of there. ...So I'm just going to keep doing my job. Maybe you can keep focusing on all these focus groups and polls, and all that business. (Dec. 19, 2005)
- There's a debate going on in Washington, D.C., which it should, and it's an important debate about our troop levels. Here's my answer to you. I'm not going to make decisions based upon polls and focus groups. (Apr. 6, 2006)
- People of this state will be able to say, Bill Frist, job well done. And I'm proud to be serving — sharing this stage with a man who I look forward to serving with, to do what's right for this country. He doesn't need to take a poll, he doesn't need to run a focus group to determine what's right and what we need to do. (Aug. 30, 2006)
- He's the right guy for the job, and I want to thank you very much for standing strong when you find somebody who is decent and honorable willing to serve the state of Florida — and that's Charlie Crist. And, you're right, Charlie, you're following a good man. He's made our family proud. But more importantly, he's done a fine job for the people of Florida. He's the kind of guy — and, Charlie, I know you'll follow this example about you, he doesn't need a poll or a focus group to tell him what to think. (Sep. 21, 2006)
- He's the kind of fellow who says he's going to — what he tells you on the campaign trail he does in office. He doesn't need a poll or a focus group to tell him what to think or what to say. George Allen is a man of strong principle, he is a leader, he is the right man to be the United States senator from the state of Virginia. (Oct. 19, 2006)
- The thing about Jim Nussle is he doesn't need to take a poll or have a focus group to tell him what to believe. (Nov. 3, 2006)
- We're going to win this election because our values and priorities don't change because of the latest polls, or the latest focus group. (Nov. 4, 2006)
- I'm proud to be here with Jim Ryun. He's a decent, honorable man who works hard on behalf of the people from Kansas. He deserves to be reelected congressman. He is a compassionate conservative. He has run his own business. By the way, we've got plenty of lawyers in Washington. Send somebody up there who has made a payroll. He started Sounds of Success, that helped children with hearing difficulties realize their full potential. He doesn't need a poll or a focus group to tell him what to believe. (Nov. 5, 2006)
- I can assure you I'm not going to make any decisions in regard to anybody's life based upon a poll or a focus group. (Apr. 19, 2007)
- And so as we head into campaign season next year it's very important for the Republican Party to enunciate that which we believe, to stand for something, not be one of these parties that takes a focus group to tell us what to believe, but to tell people what we believe and what those beliefs are — beliefs etched in our soul. (May 10, 2007)
- We believe that there is a role for government, but the primary role for government is to empower our citizens to realize their God-given potential. And if we campaign on that message, and if we stick to those principles, and if we govern for what's right, not based upon the latest Gallup Poll, we will continue to lead this country. (May 30, 2007)
- I suspect — I know this, Ed, that if our troops thought that I was taking a poll to decide how to conduct this war, they would be very concerned about the mission. In other words, if our troops said, well, here we are in combat, and we've got a Commander-in-Chief who is running a focus group — in other words, politics is more important to him than our safety and/or our strategy — that would dispirit our troops. (Jul. 12, 2007)
- This is hard work. And one of the things I talked about in the opening comments was, do we do it now, or basically pull back, let the Gallup poll or whatever poll there are decide the fate of the country? (Jul. 12, 2007)
- First, whatever the troop level is, it needs to be funded by the United States Congress. Our troops need all the support they can get when they're in harm's way. And secondly, most Americans, I hope, understand that the best way to make decisions on troop levels is based upon the sound advice of people in the field, not based upon the latest focus group or political poll. (Jul. 19, 2007)
- I'd rather be dealing with people who make decisions based upon what's right, not based upon the latest focus group or opinion poll. (Aug. 27, 2007)
- See, one of the hardest things about making good, solid decisions is — one of the worst things you can do is to try to chase a poll or a focus group. (Oct. 15, 2007)
- I want to assure those who wear the uniform of something. I will make decisions about our troop presence in Iraq and Afghanistan based upon the considered judgment of those who wear the uniform, not based upon the Gallup Poll or political party considerations. (Nov. 2, 2007)
- I think I'll be remembered as a guy who, you know, was dealt some pretty tough issues to deal with and I dealt with them head-on and I didn't try to shy away. I didn't, you know, I didn't sacrifice — I was firm and that I made decisions based upon principles, not based upon the latest Gallup Poll. (Nov. 6, 2007)
- If you've got somebody in harm's way, you want the President being — making advice, not — be given advice by the military, and not making decisions based upon the latest Gallup poll or focus group. (Nov. 13, 2007)
- People develop principles all different kinds of ways. But you can't be the President unless you have a firm set of principles to guide you as you sort through all the problems the world faces. And I would be very hesitant to support somebody who relied upon opinion polls and focus groups to define a way forward for a President. (Dec. 20, 2007)
- I had to make a tough decision. And the decision I made was based on the considered judgment of military people, considered judgment of a lot of folks who were following Iraq. It was not based upon any Gallup poll or focus group. (Jan. 31, 2008)
- If we fail in Iraq, the consequences for world peace will be enormous. The consequences for the security of the United States will be enormous. Therefore, my question is, what does it take to succeed? And we're not going to let politics drive my decision — again. If I worried about polls and focus groups, I wouldn't have sent more troops in. (Mar. 1, 2008)
- And as a return on our success — in other words, as we get more successful, troops are able to come home. They're not coming home based upon defeat, or based upon opinion polls, or based upon focus groups, or based upon politics. They're coming home because we're successful. (Mar. 11, 2008)
- I know John McCain to be a man who will make decisions based upon sound principles, not based upon the latest focus group or political poll. (Mar. 12, 2008)
- I know John McCain to be a man who will make decisions based upon sound principles, not based upon the latest focus group or political poll. (Mar. 12, 2008)
- It's easy to go around and hammer away on trade. It's — and I guess if you're the kind of person that followed polls and focus groups, that's what your tendency to be. I'm the kind of person who doesn't give a darn about polls and focus groups, and I do what I think is right. (Mar. 14, 2008)
- I'm not afraid to hug a mom or hug a wife or hug a husband and cry. I try to get them to talk about their loved one. I want to learn about each individual person who sacrificed, what they were like, what their interests were, and a lot of times the families love sharing their stories with the Commander-in-Chief. And to a person, nearly, I have been told that whatever you do, Mr. President, complete this job. Don't — and basically what they're saying is, don't let politics, don't let the Gallup poll, don't let a focus group cause you to make a decision that is not in the best interests of our country and our military. And I assure them that they don't have to worry about that about George W. Bush. (Mar. 19, 2008)
Polls/Focus Groups > Potholes