Quotes - Repeat Offender (Magic Wands) "In my line of work you gotta keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kinda catapult the propaganda." - Dubya, May 24, 2005
This repeat offense features Dubya insisting there is no calendar on his desk (or on other people's desks, or anywhere for that matter). I tend to believe him when he says there is a calendar shortage, because he says it so often.
- The American people must understand that I have no timetable in mind. There's no - I don't have a calendar that says, 'Gosh, if he's not gotten by this certain moment, then I'll be disappointed.' (Dec. 13, 2001)
- I submitted this budget because it's a clear signal to the American people and, just as importantly, to our enemy, that we're in this for the long pull. I have no calendar on my desk that says this must end by a certain date and I'll feel better. (Mar. 28, 2002)
- There is no calendar. There is no calendar on my desk that says, if we don't get — if so-and-so doesn't show up, then this thing ends. (Apr. 9, 2002)
- There is no calendar on my desk that says, by such and such a date we're going to quit. (Apr. 15, 2002)
- I don't have a calendar on my desk that says by a certain date, all this business has got to end. That's not how it works. That's what the enemy wants. They want us to quit, because we're impatient. But it's not going to happen. It can't happen. History has called us into action. We must never look back and say, how come we didn't act when there's called into action. We must be steadfast in that which we believe, and steady in our resolve. And I can assure you it doesn't matter whether you're a Republican or whether you're a Democrat, or whether you don't even give a darn about political parties. (Apr. 15, 2002)
- The size of the budget request ought to indicate to the American people that we're in it for the — and the enemy, by the way — that we're in this for the long pull — that there is no calendar on my desk that says, oh by the way, this thing must end by such and such a moment. (Apr. 16, 2002)
- There's not a calendar on my desk that says, you know, you got to quit by this date. (Apr. 18, 2002)
- I don't have a calendar on my desk that says, by such and such a date we're going to quit. That's not how I think — much to the chagrin of the enemy. (Apr. 24, 2002)
- I do not have a calendar on my desk that says, at such and such a time you will stop. You, President Bush, on such and such a date will have run out the string and it's time for you to quit — that calendar doesn't exist. Because my mind-frame is this. When it comes to defending our freedoms, no matter how long it takes, that's exactly what this country is going to do. (Apr. 29, 2002)
- I don't have a calendar on my desk, that beautiful desk, that says, by such-and-such a date, you will be finished. That's not how I think. (Apr. 29, 2002)
- There is no calendar on my desk that says, by such and such a date, you will quit. There is no time frame, artificial time frame. (May 1, 2002)
- The thing I appreciate about Ted Stevens is, he understands that we're in for a long struggle, that — you know, that we don't have a calendar. I don't have a calendar on my desk, and he doesn't have one on his desk, that says by such and such a moment we will quit. (May 9, 2002)
- As a matter of fact, there is no — there's not a calendar that says it's got to quit by such and such a moment, that if things aren't wrapped up by this election or this Super Bowl, or this World Series, that we're just going to fold up and go on home, that we're a patient people. (Jun. 3, 2002)
- There is not a calendar on my desk that says by such and such a moment, you're going to quit. (Jun. 11, 2002)
- There is not a calendar on my desk that says by such and such a moment, you're going to quit. That's not what somebody does when it comes to defending that which we hold dear. And this country loves freedom. (Jun. 12, 2002)
- It's important for our country to send a very clear signal that we're in this for the long run, and that's what the budget does. It says there's no time, there's not a calendar on my desk that I flip and say, okay, it's over, you know, it's time to quit. (Jun. 19, 2002)
- You know, I just, I don't have a calendar on my desk — it's a magnificent desk, I might add, in the — beautiful Oval Office — that says on such and such a date we quit. (Jun. 24, 2002)
- And we're in this deal for the long haul. There is not a calendar on my desk that says, by such and such a date we quit. (Jul. 1, 2002)
- There are no calendars on our desks in Washington that say, by such and such a moment we've got to quit. That's not how we think, Mr. President, and you know that. (Jul. 18, 2002)
- There's not a calendar on my desk that says, oh, by such-and-such a day you've got to quit, Mr. President. (Aug. 3, 2002)
- I like to remind people, there's not a calendar on my desk. Senator Lott will tell you, or Senator Cochran has been in the office, there's not a calendar in the Oval Office that says, oh, by such and such a date we're through, that we'll all go home. (Aug. 7, 2002)
- And I know it's important to send a signal to our friends and our enemies alike, that the United States is in this for the long haul. That there isn't a calendar on my desk that says, oh, by such and such a date, we're going to quit, we're just going to stop. (Aug. 14, 2002)
- There's not a calendar on my desk — one of those kind of flipping calendars, you flip it, and it says, now time to quit. (Aug. 23, 2002)
- The defense increase sends a clear signal to friend and foe alike that when it comes to defending our freedom, we're in this for the long haul. You see, there's not a calendar on my desk in Washington that says, now time to quit. (Aug. 23, 2002)
- There is no calendar on my desk that says, by such and such a date we're quitting. (Aug. 29, 2002)
- I submitted that bill that size because I wanted to send a message to friend and foe alike that we're in this deal for the long haul, that there's not a calendar on my desk that says, by such and such a date we've got to quit. (Sep. 5, 2002)
- And secondly, I wanted to send a message to friend and foe alike that the United States is not going to relent in our quest for freedom, that we're in this deal for the long haul, that there's not a calendar on my desk that says by such and such a date, we quit. (Sep. 17, 2002)
- There is no calendar on my desk that says, by such and such a day we're going to quit, that by such and such a day we will all have grown weary, we're too tired, and therefore we're coming home. (Sep. 23, 2002)
- There's no calendar on my desk that says, well, we've reached this time, it's time to stop. That's not how I think. That's not how America thinks. We want our friends understanding that. (Sep. 27, 2002)
- There is no calendar on my desk that says by such and such a date we're leaving, that we're going to quit when — by an artificial time. (Sep. 28, 2002)
- There is no calendar on my desk — there is no calendar on my desk that says by such-and-such a date, we pretty well had it, time to quit. (Oct. 5, 2002)
- It doesn't matter how long it takes — we don't have a calendar on my desk, there's not a calendar on my desk in the great Oval Office that flips to, you know, flip it one day and it says, oh, it's time to quit. (Oct. 14, 2002)
- We're slowly but surely rounding them up. The other day we got this guy, Bin al-Shibh. He popped his head up. He's not a problem. Slowly but surely. And I'm not giving up. There's not a calendar on my desk that says, okay, on this day, you quit. That's just not the way I think. (Oct. 14, 2002)
- There's no calendar on my desk that says, by such and such a date, we're going to have to haul the troops home. (Oct. 22, 2002)
- There's no calendar on my desk, right there in the great Oval Office. There's not a calendar that says, you know, by such and such a date, we're hauling them home; by such and such a date, we're going to forget our obligations to our future, by such and such a date that we say, fine, let them sit out there. That's not the way America thinks. (Oct. 24, 2002)
- There's not a calendar on my desk that says, on such and such a date you be hauling them home, on such and such a date we quit. That's not an America I know, and that's not the America you're a part of. (Oct. 31, 2002)
- There's no calendar on my desk, in that great Oval Office — there is no calendar on my desk that says, by such and such a date, we're hauling it in. (Oct. 31, 2002)
- It doesn't matter how long it takes to secure our freedom. It doesn't matter how long it takes to secure the homeland, we're staying the course. There's no quit in America. There's not a calendar on my desk that says on such and such a date, bring them home. That's not how we think. (Nov. 3, 2002)
- There's not a calendar on my desk in the Oval Office that says, such and such a date, we're quitting. That's not how I think. (Nov. 4, 2002)
- There's not a calendar on my desk in the Oval Office that says, by such and such a date, you got to quit. That's not the way we think in America. (Nov. 4, 2002)
No Calendar on His Desk > Perpetuate