
Quotes - Repeat Offender (Suiciders)
"In my line of work you gotta keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kinda catapult the propaganda." - Dubya, May 24, 2005

The Lawsuit "Joke"
This repeat offense features Dubya moving on from the Daytime TV repeat offense to the suggestion that the attackers of Sept. 11 expected the U.S. to merely sue them.

  1. The enemy attacked us thinking we were soft, thinking our culture was corrupt, thinking we'd just kind of roll over and say, OK, fine, we'll figure out if we can sue 'em. Man, did they make a mistake. They found a nation that's resolved. (Feb. 27, 2002)
  2. Not only watching how New Yorkers responded, but seeing how our nation responded, leads me to conclude that the enemy didn't understand who they were dealing with. You see, they thought we were so materialistic and so self-absorbed that the only thing I was going to do was sue 'em. They were wrong, they were wrong. (Mar. 19, 2002)
  3. The enemy must have thought they were hitting a society that was so soft, so self-absorbed, so materialistic that we would sue them. (Mar. 19, 2002)
  4. I believe strongly that the evil ones didn't know who they were attacking. They thought we would they thought we would roll over. They thought we were so materialistic and self-absorbed that we wouldn't respond. They probably thought we were going to sue them. (Mar. 21, 2002)
  5. And this enemy of ours hates what we stand for. They can't stand us. They're ruthless murderers. And they must not have understood America when they attacked us. They thought we were weak. They thought we were so self-absorbed in our materialism that all we would probably do is just sue them. Man, were they wrong. (Mar. 27, 2002)
  6. You know, when they hit us, they must have thought we were so self-absorbed and so materialistic, that we would sue them. (Mar. 27, 2002)
  7. They must have not understood who they were dealing with on September the 11th. I guess they thought we were so materialistic and so self-absorbed that all we would do is file a lawsuit. (Mar. 27, 2002)
  8. I don't know what they were thinking on September the 11th. They must have taken a look at America and said, all they'll do is sue us. (Mar. 27, 2002)
  9. I don't know what was on their mind when they attacked America. They must have thought we were so self-absorbed and materialistic that all we were going to do was file a lawsuit. (Mar. 29, 2002)
  10. When our when the enemy hit us, I couldn't understand what was going through their mind. They must have thought our nation was so self-absorbed and so materialistic that all we would do would be to file a lawsuit. (Apr. 4, 2002)
  11. You know, I can't imagine what went through the minds of those who felt like they could attack America. I can't imagine. They must have thought we were so materialistic and so self-absorbed and so weak that all we would do was file a lawsuit. (Apr. 8, 2002)
  12. You know, I can't imagine what went through the mind of the evil people when they attacked America. I'm trying to I've always tried to figure out who they thought they were attacking. You know, what were they thinking? They must have thought that this nation had no character, that we were so materialistic and self-absorbed that we wouldn't act, that we might just all we'd do was sue them. (Apr. 9, 2002)
  13. I don't know what got in their mind on that day, when they attacked us. They must have thought this country of ours was so weak, and so materialistic, so self-absorbed, that all we would do would be to file a lawsuit. (Apr. 15, 2002)
  14. You know, I can't imagine what was going through the minds of the al Qaeda killers. I guess they just thought they were going to hit us, and because we were so materialistic, in their minds, so self-absorbed, so incredibly selfish, that all we were going to do was file a lawsuit. (Apr. 15, 2002)
  15. I like to tell people in these speeches I'm giving, that I can't imagine what went through the mind of the killers. They must have thought we were so materialistic, so self-absorbed, that all we were going to do was file a lawsuit. (Apr. 16, 2002)
  16. You know, this is a fabulous country we have. I don't know what the enemy was thinking when they hit us. They must have thought all we were going to was file a lawsuit or something. (Apr. 18, 2002)
  17. I don't know what they were thinking when they attacked America. They must have thought we were so materialistic, so self-centered, so weak that all we were going to do was to file a lawsuit. They found out we don't file lawsuits when it comes to defending freedom. We send our United States military. (Apr. 24, 2002)
  18. I oftentimes think about what was going through the minds of the al Qaeda killers. They must have taken a look at America, and said, this nation is so self-absorbed and so materialistic and so self-centered and so weak, that all they would do, would be to file a lawsuit. (Apr. 29, 2002)
  19. We are a patient country, we are a united country, we're plenty tough when we have to be tough. You know, I can't imagine what went through their minds. They must have thought they must have fallen prey to this notion that America was so self-absorbed, so materialistic, so selfish, so essentially weak, that all we were going to do when they attacked was file a lawsuit. (May 1, 2002)
  20. We have this kind of materialistic world it must have seemed that way to the enemy. When they hit us, they must have said, this country is so self-absorbed, so selfish, so materialistic, so self-centered that it would never respond maybe file a lawsuit or two, but never respond. (May 8, 2002)
  21. I can't imagine what went through the minds of our enemy when they attacked us on September the 11th. You know, they must have thought America was so self-absorbed, so materialistic, so selfish that we would cower in the face of a challenge well, we might file a few lawsuits or two, but that would be all we would do. (May 8, 2002)
  22. You know, I cannot imagine, I can't imagine what was going through the minds of the killers when they were plotting the attacks of September the 11th. They must have thought that we were so self-absorbed, and so materialistic, so selfish and so weak that all we'd likely do is file a couple of lawsuits. (May 9, 2002)
  23. You know, I like to remind people, those that attacked, they must have thought that we were so selfish and so weak and so materialistic, that we might file a couple of lawsuits or two, but that's all we were going to do. (May 17, 2002)
  24. They thought we were weak of course, they never saw the Air Force football team play. They thought we'd just roll over. They thought we might file a couple of lawsuits. (May 17, 2002)
  25. The enemy probably thought that we were such a weak society, so materialistic and self-absorbed, that when they attacked that all we would do is file a couple of lawsuits. (Jun. 3, 2002)
  26. I don't know what went through their mind when they attacked us. They must have thought we were so materialistic, and so weak, and so self-absorbed, that all we would do is file a couple of lawsuits. (Jun. 7, 2002)
  27. You know, I don't know what went through the minds of the enemy when they hit us. I can't imagine what they were thinking, what kind of thought process did they have? I guess they thought America was so materialistic and so self-absorbed and so selfish, that all we would do after the attack was maybe file a lawsuit or two. (Jun. 11, 2002)
  28. The enemy hit us. They must have thought we were so weak and self-absorbed, so materialistic, that all we would do was file a couple of lawsuits, if you know what I mean. (Jun. 13, 2002)
  29. Somebody asked me to describe them one time. I said, they're nothing but a bunch of cold-blooded killers. And they still hate the fact that we love freedom. And they really can't stand the fact that we're not backing down. See, they thought we'd probably just file a lawsuit or two. (Jun. 24, 2002)
  30. You know, I can't imagine what was going through their mind when they attacked us. They must have thought America was so materialistic and so selfish and so self-absorbed that we might just file a lawsuit or two. (Jul. 1, 2002)
  31. You know, the amazing thing about America is our nation is stronger today than it was before the enemy hit. I like to remind people, they must have not understood who they were dealing with. They probably thought we might file a lawsuit or two. (Jul. 10, 2002)
  32. I believe that the terrorists I don't know what went through their mind. They must have thought we were so self-absorbed and materialistic that all we would do after 9/11 was file a lawsuit or two. (Jul. 11, 2002)
  33. No, I believe the enemy hit us, but they didn't know who they were hitting. They must have thought we'd file a lawsuit or two. (Jul. 15, 2002)
  34. I can't imagine what the enemy was thinking. They must have thought we were so weak, so feeble a nation that we might, after September the 11th, file a lawsuit or two. (Jul. 19, 2002)
  35. I don't know what was going through the minds of the enemy when they were plotting and planning. I don't know who they thought they were attacking. They must have thought this country was so materialistic, so self-absorbed that we would sit back and, you know, after the attacks, maybe file a lawsuit or two. (Jul. 22, 2002)
  36. You know, I like to remind my fellow citizens of this. When the enemy hit us, they thought they must have thought they were hitting a weak nation. Speaking about lawsuits, they probably thought all we would do was file a lawsuit. (Jul. 25, 2002)
  37. I can't imagine what went through the mind of the enemy when they attacked us. They must have thought America and Americans were shallow people, so materialistic that when it came to defending something we hold dear we'd just kind of file a lawsuit or, you know, wring our hands, be afraid of our shadows. (Jul. 29, 2002)
  38. No, the enemy hit us, they hit us, but they didn't know who they were hitting. Oh, they probably thought we'd file a lawsuit or two. (Aug. 7, 2002)
  39. I don't know what went through the minds of the enemy when they attacked us. They must have thought they were attacking a nation that was so shallow, so materialistic, so selfish that all we would do was maybe file a lawsuit. (Aug. 14, 2002)
  40. I can't imagine what was going through their mind. I can't imagine what was going through their mind. They must have thought that we were so self-absorbed and so materialistic, and so worried about our own well being, and so selfish, that after September the 11th, we might file a lawsuit or two. (Aug. 22, 2002)
  41. And that's one of the great ironies for the enemy. See, they didn't realize who they were hitting. They thought we were weak and self-absorbed and materialistic and shallow, and that all we'd do maybe is file a lawsuit or two. (Aug. 22, 2002)
  42. No, the enemy hit us September 11th, nearly a year ago. And I just can't imagine what was going through their mind. They said, well, this nation is not going to do anything. They're so materialistic, so self-absorbed and so selfish that they might file a lawsuit or two. (Aug. 23, 2002)
  43. I don't know what went into the minds of the people that attacked us. They probably said, well, this country is so self-absorbed and so materialistic and so selfish that nothing would happen. Oh, they may file a lawsuit or two, but other than that, they're so weak, nothing would happen is what they probably thought. (Aug. 29, 2002)
  44. I don't know what went through the minds of the enemy when they attacked us. They probably thought we were so materialistic, so selfish, so self-absorbed, so greedy, that all we'd do after September 11th is maybe file a lawsuit or two. (Aug. 29, 2002)
  45. I don't know what was going through their mind when they attacked us. They must have thought we were so materialistic, so self-absorbed, so selfish, that all we would do is shrug our shoulders and file a lawsuit maybe. They didn't understand the America we know. (Sep. 2, 2002)
  46. I can't imagine what went through the enemy's mind when they hit us. I can't imagine what they were thinking. Let me guess. They probably said, America is so selfish and so self-absorbed and so materialistic, that after September the 11th we might file a lawsuit or two, but that's all we would do. They were wrong. (Sep. 5, 2002)
  47. You know, they must have ignored reality when they hit us, or they were operating on false premises, such as, this country is so materialistic and selfish, so feeble in our strength, so shallow in our beliefs that after September 11th we might have filed a lawsuit or two, but that's all we were going to do. (Sep. 5, 2002)
  48. I don't know what was going through the mind of the enemy when they hit us. They probably thought, you know, America is so self-absorbed, and so materialistic, so shallow and so selfish that after September the 11th, oh, they might file a lawsuit or two, but that's all they would do. (Sep. 5, 2002)
  49. I don't know what got into the enemy when they hit us. They must have thought the nation was so materialistic and so self-absorbed and so selfish and so shallow that after September the 11th, 2001, all we would do is file a lawsuit or two. (Sep. 17, 2002)
  50. No, the enemy hit us. The enemy hit us. They didn't know who they were hitting. They probably thought after 9/11/2001 that maybe a couple lawsuits would be filed against them. (Sep. 27, 2002)
  51. I don't know what's going through the mind of the enemy when they hit us. Oh, they probably thought after September he 11th, we might file a lawsuit or two. But they learned differently. (Sep. 28, 2002)
  52. No, the enemy hit us, but they didn't know who we were hitting. They probably thought we'd file a lawsuit or two. (Oct. 3, 2002)
  53. I don't know what was in the mind of the enemy. They must have thought we were so selfish and materialistic and self-absorbed that when they attacked us we might file a lawsuit or two. (Oct. 5, 2002)
  54. No, the enemy hit us they thought, they thought, they probably thought that after September 11, 2001, we would file a lawsuit or two. (Oct. 5, 2002)
  55. I don't know what was going through their mind when they hit us. They probably thought America was so self-absorbed, so materialistic, so incredibly selfish that after September 11th, 2001, we'd kind of shudder and maybe file a lawsuit or two. (Oct. 18, 2002)
  56. I can't imagine what was going through the minds of the killers when they hit America. Oh, they must have thought we were so materialistic and selfish, so self-absorbed that after September the 11th we'd file a lawsuit or two. (Oct. 22, 2002)
  57. I can't imagine what was going through the minds of the enemy when they hit us. They probably assumed that materialism was the national religion, that we were so materialistic, that we were self-absorbed and selfish, that after the attacks America would take a step back and maybe file a lawsuit or two. (Nov. 2, 2002)
  58. I don't know what was going through the mind of the enemy. They must have thought the national religion of America was materialism, therefore we're selfish and self-absorbed, we'd take a couple of steps back after September the 11th, 2000. They probably said, oh, they'd file a lawsuit or two. (Nov. 3, 2002)
  59. I don't know what got into the minds of the terrorists when they hit us, I guess they assumed our national religion was materialism, that we were so selfish, self-absorbed that after 9/11/2001 we might take a step back and file a lawsuit or two. (Nov. 4, 2002)
  60. I can't imagine what was going through the mind of the enemy when they hit us. They said this country must have a religion called materialism, that we were so selfish, so self-absorbed, probably looking at ourselves in the mirror all the time, that all we would do after 9/11/2001 is step back and maybe file a lawsuit. That's what they thought. (Nov. 4, 2002)
  61. I can't imagine what was going through their mind when they hit us. They must have thought we'd just file a lawsuit. (Nov. 12, 2002)
  62. I cannot imagine what was going through their mind when they hit America. They must have thought we were so soft, so weak, so fragile that after 9/11, 2001, we might file a lawsuit or two. (Dec. 3, 2002)
  63. I guess they didn't realize who they were hitting. They probably thought the national religion was materialism, and that we were so selfish that we all might file a lawsuit or two. (Dec. 10, 2002)
  64. We're not going to intimidated by thugs and killers. They don't understand our nation. Those who attacked us thought we would fold tent and kind of file a lawsuit. (Oct. 3, 2003)
The Lawsuit "Joke" > Love Your Neighbor, Win the War

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