
There is a massive wealth of sites dedicated to pointing out facts about Dubya that make him uncomfortable, and others that just plain love making fun of the guy. Here is a sample listing.
[NOTE] These and all other outside links provided on DubyaSpeak.com could direct you to questionable material beyond our control. Viewer discretion is advised.
Also, if you discover dead or incorrect links, don't be surprised. This page is no longer being actively maintained.

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Air America Radio

Fun With War Crimes

Democratic Underground.com

Right Wing Fibs

Dancing Bush


The Progressive's McCarthyism Watch

Bush or Chimp?

Madeleine Begun Kane's "Dubya's Dayly Diary"


Jimpix Desktop Wallpapers

The Dubya Report

Bush Jr.'s Skeleton Closet

World Shelter's "Liberator"



The Smirking Chimp


Taylor Marsh's GOP Watch

Excellent Editorial from Dubya's Inaguration in 2001

Scary! Official George W. Bush Online Store

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