
Quotes - Dubya the Geographer
(Someone buy this man an atlas!)
Al Qaeda is greatly weakened since 2001. As a matter of fact, they at one point declared the most central front in the war on terror in Iraq where they're doing very poorly. And they're not doing so well here, either. Now, they can hide in remote regions. They can hide, but we will stay on the hunt and we will keep the pressure on them, because it's in the people the peaceful people of Afghanistan's interest, just like it's in the interest of this country.
Dubya's last comment becomes confusing when you note that he was in Afghanistan at the time. Kabul, Afghanistan, Dec. 15, 2008

And it was here in Afghanistan that the terrorists planned the attacks of September the 11th, 2001. After that date, America gave the Taliban a choice: You can turn over the leaders of al Qaeda, or you can share in their fate. And when they refused, our just demands were enforced by the United States military. And thanks to you, the Taliban has gone from power, the al Qaeda training camps are closed, and 25 million Iraqis are free.
25 million Iraqis are free in Afghanistan? Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan, Dec. 14, 2008

Free markets allowed Japan, an island with few natural resources, to recover from war and grow into the world's second-largest economy.
Japan is not a single island, but an archipelago comprising a massive chain of islands. New York, New York, Nov. 13, 2008

It now appears that an effort may be underway to depose Russia's duly elected government. Russia has invaded a sovereign neighboring state and threatens a democratic government elected by its people. Such an action is unacceptable in the 21st century.
By which he means Georgia's duly elected government, White House, Aug. 11, 2008

And in Iran, Shia groups funded by Iran tried to take on the government and the government is succeeding but it's going to take a while.
If you expect Dubya to go through a speech that discusses Iraq and Iran without mixing the two up, you're in for some disappointment. Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt, May 18, 2008

This is a fantastic hall. It is really special. I know you all are proud of it. I appreciate the great history of this part of the world.
In Indiana, Dubya again paradoxically refers to a part of his own country as a part of the world. New Albany, Indiana, Nov. 13, 2007

We import about 60 percent of our oil from overseas fortunately, most of it from a lot of it from Canada and Mexico.
Canada and Mexico are connected to the United States, therefore they are not overseas in relation to the United States. Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Oct. 3, 2007

We're givin' this young democracy the chance. It's in our interest to do so because, as John Howard accurately noted when he went to thank the Austrian troops there last year.
The White House chose to inaccurately note in its transcript that Dubya said "Australian", but indeed he said "Austrian"... Sydney, Australia, Sep. 7, 2007

God bless the people of this part of the world.
When Dubya says this part of the world, there's (sadly) a very good chance that he's actually in his own country. This time was no exception. Minneapolis, Minnesota, Aug. 4, 2007

I appreciate the Governor of this great state and his wife, Sue. I'm proud to call you friend, and thank you very much for your thoughtfulness today. The Governor gave me a helicopter tour of this beautiful part of the world. The tall ships were magnificent.
Dubya again chooses to describe a part of his own country as if it were far away overseas, Newport, Rhode Island, Jun. 28, 2007

We talked about Darfur. We talked about Afghanistan and Iraq. And I appreciate very much the EU support of the international compact that will be meeting on Iraq here in Sharm el-Sheikh.
Comments made in meeting at the White House with German Chancellor Merkel and European Commission President Barroso, White House, Apr. 30, 2007

I would like to see Habitat For Humanity come down here.
As reported on CNN, Dubya's assessment of who should be helping those affected by the tornado that hit the town of Americus, Georgia. Apparently Dubya didn't know that Habitat for Humanity is based in Americus. Read more about this incident. Americus, Georgia, Mar. 3, 2007

I'm pleased when, uhh, when, uhh, Iraqi leaders go to Saudi Arabia and talk to, uhh, my friend, the King, of Saudi Arabia, and talk about how they can work together to achieve, uhh, stability. It's in Saudi's interest, it's in Jordan's interest, it's in the Gulf Coast countries' interests that there be a stable Iran, Iran that is capable of rejecting Iranian influence I mean Iraq that is capable of ajec, rejecting Iranian influence.
After mistakenly interpolating Iraq with Iran twice, Dubya manages to correct himself. Washington, D.C., Dec. 13, 2006

I appreciate the Prime Minister's answer to this lad we call them lads, in Great Britain.
Dubya claims British citizenship for himself, Washington, D.C., Dec. 7, 2006

So, welcome to Washington, D.C. I think this is our fifth visit. Every time, I've left our visits inspired by your vision.
Welcome offered to President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority, New York, New York, Sep. 20, 2006

You can see the reconstruction effort beginning here in this part of the world. ...And that's what we want, people to help people here in this part of the world. ...That's a smart man who understands that as this part of the world flourishes and businesses grow, people are going to find work and have the where with all to help rebuild the communities in their lives. ...We want to help that optimism succeed. And so I signed legislation that creates what's called the Gulf Opportunity Zones. That means if you invest in this part of the world, you get tax breaks. ...The remarkable things about this part of the world that was so affected by the storms was what happened to the schools. ...As a result of these efforts, in the past school year, every district closed after Katrina was reopened. It's a remarkable accomplishment by the good folks in this part of the world. ...Back in 1969, Hurricane Camille destroyed everything but the steeple and the old church bell. This time, nothing was left standing, and so the congregation had to ring the old bell from its new place in the rubble. On that first Sunday after Katrina, Father Harold Roberts read from the Book of Romans. Here's what he said. He said, "Rejoice in hope. Be patient in suffering. Persevere in prayer" precisely what the people in this part of the world have done. ...Hands On Gulf Coast is a group of volunteers, total strangers to the people of this part of the world, in large part. ...When the Coastal Family Health Center lost three buildings and more than 60 staff members, Hands On offered to help. They worked with nurses who came from the Gulf Coast. They got FedEx to supply funding for airfare. They provided food and housing. And as a result, the Coastal Family Health Center was able to provide critical help for good people in this part of the world.
Dubya unleashes a heretofore unmatched barrage of "this part of the world", Biloxi, Mississippi, Aug. 28, 2006

I believe that a prosperous, democratic Pakistan will be a steadfast partner for America, a peaceful neighbor for India, and a force for freedom and moderation in the Arab world.
The only problem with that theory, however, is that Pakistan isn't part of the Arab world. And it isn't a democracy, either, for that matter. New Delhi, India, Mar. 3, 2006

We'll continue to work with the folks down there. But I want to remind the people in that part of the world, 85 billion dollars is a lot.
And by "that part of the world" he means the U.S. Gulf Coast, White House, Jan. 26, 2006

The reason why the border is necessary is because there's suiciders coming in from Syria into Iraq.
The reason the border is necessary is because that's what divides the two nations, Louisville, Kentucky, Jan. 11, 2006

Wow, Brazil is big.
Dubya's reaction upon being shown a map of Brazil by Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. You almost get the feeling that Dubya just learned this fact. Brasilia, Brazil, Nov. 6, 2005

After all, the people of Latvia, of all people, ought to understand what it means to live under the subjugation of a doctrine that doesn't allow for freedom... And when 8.5 million people went to vote in Iraq, that sent a clear message that said we will not let the terrorists intimidate us. We want to be free just like people in the Balkans used to speak, we want to be free. You know, our country had a great history with the Baltics
Balkans, Baltics, what's the difference? Interview with Latvian National Television, Washington, D.C., May 4, 2005

INSANA: Mr. President, today is the 10th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing and a lot of people are reflecting on that act of terrorism
INSANA: that occurred a decade ago, one that we almost forget in light of what's happened since. Can I get your reflections on that event and what it means still even to the war on terror, even if that's a domestic rather than international issue?
DUBYA: It goes to show that violence can erupt anywhere, any time, and, and as a society we've got to be diligent to those who would try to harm us. It also goes to show that terrorist acts not only come from abroad but can come here at home. The positive news in this instance is the City of Oklahoma came together in strong compassion and decency and care and hope for those who suffered, and our justice system worked.
Dubya reflects on the "City of Oklahoma bombing", Interview with Ron Insana of CNBC, Apr. 19, 2005

We work very closely with the foreign ministers of France, Germany, and Great Britain, who have been the folks delivering the message to the mullahs that if you expect to be part of the world of nations, get rid of your nukyular programs.
As soon as they figure out what the world of nations is, perhaps they'll take Dubya up on his offer, First Presidential Debate, Coral Gables, Florida, Sep. 30, 2004

DUBYA: And you came up from where?
CHRIS SANFORD (Dep't of Energy Employee): We were relocated from West Tennessee
DUBYA: Yes, Tennessee, good. Nice part of the world.
I guess for Dubya, "world" and "America" are interchangeable, Portsmouth, Ohio, Sep. 10, 2004

There's a lot of help moving into this part of the world.
By "this part of the world", Dubya means the region of Florida stricken by Hurricane Charley, Punta Gorda, Florida, Aug. 15, 2004

I find it very interesting that the United Nations is sending a very distinguished citizen from Chile to Haiti to help stabilize that country so the people of Haiti have a chance to live a hopeful life. And that's going to require security measures, and as the President mentioned I think you said in Spanish, there's a donors conference tomorrow, it's a very important conference, and that we will be attending, along with Chile, to see if we can't set priorities for the people of Chile so they have a chance to live a good life.
Chile? Haiti? They're so hard to keep straight! White House, Jul. 19, 2004

I appreciate the good folks from Minnesota and Iron Ridge and Northern Wisconsin who are with us today. Thanks for coming. And by the look of things, I'm in Bush-Cheney country.
Or in imaginary country... what he meant to say was the Iron Range, Duluth, Minnesota, Jul. 14, 2004

But we've got a big border in Texas, with Mexico, obviously and we've got a big border with Canada Arizona is affected.
No matter how you slice it, this statement is geographically challenged, Washington, D.C., Jun. 24, 2004

Lori is when I met her backstage the kind of person that you want really owning a home because she's so thrilled with the idea. We helped her. I say we people here in this part of the world did.
By which Dubya means this part of the world of America? Albuquerque, New Mexico, Mar. 26, 2004

REPORTER: Did you look back at any precedence of any other president's trips?
DUBYA: There is no precedent in the war on terror. This is the first war of the 21st century, unique in its nature. But I don't know. I guess you all need to do that. I don't know whether or not I think Lyndon Johnson went as a Vice President, or as President. I don't know.
REPORTER: He was in Asia and he made an unscheduled trip.
DUBYA: Into Vietnam as President?
REPORTER: Eisenhower went to Korea as a
DUBYA: Franklin Roosevelt went to North Africa, but the front was in Tunisia. I think, but maybe not.
REPORTER: Abraham Lincoln went to Richmond a couple of days after
DUBYA: He sure did. I got the picture of the White House of the Lincoln with his generals and Admiral Porter talking about the peace. I think that's what you're talking about.
REPORTER: But he was mobbed by people when he went to this was a couple of days after he fell.
DUBYA: Right. And he was on a boat outside of Richmond unfortunately called the "Peacemakers." It had a wonderful rainbow behind he and his generals. That's where he's talking about making sure the peace was fair and generous so that the United States would stay united. And, interestingly enough, the original is in the upstairs in the Trinity Room in the White House. And it is in the Pentagon, as well, a copy of it, which I found to be very so I remember going into the Pentagon and somebody took But thanks for honoring it.
Showing a shaky grasp of geography and history all at the same time, aboard Air Force One, Nov. 27, 2003

If I may have your attention for a second. First, I want to thank Governor Warner for his hospitality and leading this important state through Hurricane Isabel.
Speaking about the "important state of Virginia", Richmond, Virginia, Sep. 22, 2003

I think, you know, one of the things we'll have to do, of course, is take an assessment of why the cascade was so significant, why it was able to ripple so significantly throughout our system up east.
San Diego, California, Aug. 14, 2003

I think I've answered the question, and yes, [Arnold Schwarzenegger] would be a good governor, as would others running for governor of California. Like you, I'm most interested in seeing how the process evolves. It's a fascinating bit of political drama evolving in the state in the country's largest state.
Alaska is the country's largest state, followed by Texas (Dubya's state), followed by California, Crawford, Texas, Aug. 13, 2003

I asked the [Pima] County [Arizona] commissioner... I said, has the response been good? His first, right off, he said, [Senator] McCain and [Representative] Kolbe have been incredibly responsive to the people of this part of the world.
By "this part of the world", Dubya means "Arizona" Summerhaven, Arizona, Aug. 11, 2003

I've got very good relations with President Mubarak and Crown Prince Abdullah, and the King of Jordan, Gulf Coast countries.
Dubya gets a little bit confused geographically, confusing the Persian Gulf (Qatar, Bahrain) with the Gulf Coast (Texas, Florida), Washington, D.C., May 29, 2003

And the time is getting worse. That's what people have got to understand up there in Washington or over there in Washington down there in Washington, whatever. Thought I was in Crawford for a minute.
It always seems like you're in Crawford, Dubya. Scranton, Pennsylvania, Jan. 16, 2003

I appreciate so very much the Prime Minister, Jean Chretien, for joining us here. He has been a steadfast friend. I really enjoy dealing with him on a personal basis. He's a plain-spoken fellow, with a good sense of humor. Probably won't go too good up here in Canada, but he'd be a great Texan.
It would go even better if he were in Canada... Detroit, Michigan, Sep. 2, 2002

But one of the things that rang true yesterday to me, and does every time I make a stop here in America, is that we should never lack confidence in our character, in the character of the American people.
Where is he flying in from on his "stops here in America"? Canada? Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Aug. 14, 2002

America at one time was protected by two oceans. We seemed totally invulnerable to, for example, the wars that took place here in Russia or on the European continent.
Remarks to community and religious leaders, Moscow, Russia (located on the European continent), May 24, 2002

And today, I'm informing the prime minister that we're lifting the travel ban on Turkey.
Which would have been a good thing if there had been a travel ban in the first place; unfortunately for Dubya, there wasn't, press conference with Turkish prime minister, White House, Jan. 17, 2002

Over 50 percent of our energy comes from overseas. Fortunately, a lot of it comes from Canada.
Apparently an invisible ocean separates the U.S. and Canada, town hall forum in Ontario, California, Jan. 5, 2002

They wear boots in other places.
Dubya exhibiting vast knowledge of the customs and cultures outside of Texas, Barbara Walters interview, Dec. 4, 2001

To help displaced workers around this part of the world to help those who want to help themselves find the training necessary to allow them to learn new skills to find work again.
"Part of the world" mentioned above is the State of Florida, still a part of the Union the last time I checked, Town Hall Meeting in Orlando, Florida, Dec. 4, 2001

It is a real pleasure to be back in Warsaw, this time by telecast. I had a wonderful visit to the region in June, and I know I'm among friends today.
Embracing his "virtual-reality", out-of-body experience a little too literally while addressing the Warsaw Conference on Combatting Terrorism by satellite, Washington, D.C., Nov. 6, 2001

DUBYA: So what state is Wales in?
CHURCH: It's a separate country next to England.
DUBYA: Oh, okay.
Exchange between Dubya and Welsh teenage singing sensation Charlotte Church, as reported in MSNBC, Oct. 31, 2001

Border relations between Canada and Mexico have never been better.
In press conference with Canadian PM, and apparently forgetting about the country wedged between Canada and Mexico, Washington, D.C., Sep. 24, 2001

The White House is in Washington, D.C., it's up East.
Explaining that East is "Up" to students at Crawford Elementary School, Crawford, Texas, Aug. 23, 2001

We spent a lot of time talking about Africa, and we should. Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease.
Warsaw, Poland, Jun. 15, 2001

Most people in Arkansas know where Texas is, and all the people in Texas know where Arkansas is.
Insulting Arkansas in front of a group of Arkansas schoolchildren, Little Rock, Arkansas, Mar. 1, 2001

I assured the prime minister of Canada that my vision of the hemisphere goes both north and south.
Talking to reporters aboard Air Force One, Feb. 13, 2001

Vice President mentioned Nigeria is a fledgling democracy. We have to work with Nigeria. That's an important continent.
Presidential debate, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Oct. 11, 2000

I've supported the administration in Colombia. I think it's important for us to be training Colombians in that part of the world. The hemisphere is in our interest to have a peaceful Colombia.
Presidential debate, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Oct. 11, 2000

The only people that are going to reform Russia are Russia.
Presidential debate, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Oct. 11, 2000

The people who care more about that land are the hard-working farmers and ranchers of your part of the state of Washington, D.C.
Speaking before a crowd in the state of Washington... Spokane, Washington, Sep. 26, 2000

That's Washington. That's the place where you find people getting ready to jump out of the foxholes before the first shot is fired.
Westland, Michigan, Sep. 8, 2000

Actually, I - this may sound a little West Texan to you, but I like it. When I'm talking about - when I'm talking about myself, and when he's talking about myself, all of us are talking about me.
Hardball, MSNBC, May 31, 2000

DUBYA: Because the picture on the newspaper. It just seems so un-American to me, the picture of the guy storming the house with a scared little boy there. I talked to my little brother, Jeb I haven't told this to many people. But he's the governor of I shouldn't call him my little brother my brother, Jeb, the great governor of Texas.
JIM LEHRER: Florida.
DUBYA: Florida. The state of the Florida.
The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer, PBS, Apr. 27, 2000

I was raised in the West. The west of Texas. It's pretty close to California. In more ways than Washington, D.C., is close to California.
As quoted in the Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, California, Apr. 8, 2000

I'd like to go down to South America. There is a complicating factor there. The Mexican presidential election is taking place, and I certainly don't want to get involved in that.
If Dubya took a trip to South America, at best he'd fly past Mexico — in North America — to get there, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Mar. 19, 2000

The only thing I know about Slovakia is what I learned first-hand from your foreign minister, who came to Texas.
To a Slovak journalist. Unfortunately for Dubya, the meeting he was thinking of was with Janez Drnovsek, the prime minister of Slovenia, Jun. 22, 1999

If the East Timorians decide to revolt, I'm sure I'll have a statement.
Quoted by Maureen Dowd in the New York Times, Jun. 16, 1999

Keep good relations with the Grecians.
Quoted in the Economist, Jun. 12, 1999

Kosovians can move back in.
Inside Politics, CNN Apr. 9, 1999

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