Quotes - Repeat Offender (Commanders and Generals) "In my line of work you gotta keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kinda catapult the propaganda." - Dubya, May 24, 2005
This repeat offense features Dubya belittling the significance of earning a PhD, and makes all in attendance remember that the number one guy in the room is himself, the C-student.
- DUBYA: Andrew Biggs is with us. He is the Associate Commissioner for Retirement Policy of the Social Security Administration, Washington, D.C. In other words, he is an expert on the subject. Andrew, step forth. Let the people of Arkansas — no, sit forth — let the people of Arkansas —
DR. BIGGS: Thanks very much.
DUBYA: Tell them whether or not we got a problem or not, from your perspective.
DR. BIGGS: Put simply, we do, in fact, have a problem.
DUBYA: By the way, this guy — PhD. See, I was a C-student. He's a PhD, so he's probably got a little more credibility. I do think it's interesting and should be heartening for all C-students out there, notice who's the President and who's the advisor. All right, Andrew, get going. Andrew's got a good sense of humor. (Feb. 4, 2005)
- DR. BROWN: I'm a PhD in economics and I'm a professor at one of the other great Midwestern universities.
DUBYA: PhD in economics. It's an interesting lesson, isn't it? He's the advisor and the PhD. I'm the President and a fair student. (Mar. 4, 2005)
- Now, I've asked Jeff Brown to join us today, PhD. Yes. I'm a C-student. He's the PhD. He's the advisor. I'm the President. What does that tell you? It tells you there's hope for all you C-students out there. (Mar. 10, 2005)
- DR. BROWN: I have a PhD in economics, and I teach at a business school.
DUBYA: Yes. It's an interesting lesson here, by the way. He's an advisor. Now, he is the PhD, and I am a C-student — or was a C-student. Now, what's that tell you? All you C-students at Auburn, don't give up. (Mar. 10, 2005)
- DR. BROWN: And I've been studying Social Security now for about ten years.
DUBYA: I like to remind people, by the way, he's one of my — he's an advisor. So for the students here, take heart in this concept. He gets a PhD. I get Cs. I'm the President and he's the advisor. (Mar. 30, 2005)
- One of the things I try to do is surround myself with experts. We've got a PhD with us today — Syl, it's good to have you. He is a fellow who's studied the Social Security issue. For those of you who are students, there's an interesting lesson to be learned here. Syl obviously is a really smart guy, PhD. I'm a C-student. A couple of B's scattered in there. I want you to notice who's the advisor and who's the President. (Apr. 26, 2005)
- For those of you who are younger, I just want you to look at the examples being set here. Olivia is a PhD. I was a C-student. Olivia is the expert. I'm the President. (Apr. 29, 2005)
- Thanks, Jeff. Thanks for coming. I like to remind people, he's a PhD and I was a C-student. I want you to take note of who's the President and who's the advisor. (May 19, 2005)
- I — and I like to tell people, he's a PhD. I'm a C-student — was a C-student — and look who the advisor is. So all you C-students out there, work hard, but there's hope for you. (Jun. 2, 2005)
- Now, Mark McClellan, he's — you got to have a smart guy around you all the time, and he happens to be one. He's a PhD — yes, he's got a PhD and a medical degree. Now, for those of you who are interested to know how government works, I want you to pay attention to this. See, he's got the PhD and the medical degree, and I'm the C-student. Notice who's the advisor and who's the President. (Jun. 17, 2005)
- DUBYA: I appreciate the Secretary of Energy joining me today. He's a good man, he knows a lot about the subject, you'll be pleased to hear. I was teasing him — he taught at MIT, and — do you have a PhD?
DUBYA: Yes, a PhD. Now I want you to pay careful attention to this — he's the PhD, and I'm the C-student, but notice who is the advisor and who is the President. (Jun. 22, 2005)
- By the way, starting October 1st — we have a timetable, we got a calendar. And I've got my man, McClellan, with us. He's a doctor, and a — PhD. See, every government has got to have a PhD, but you notice who — the PhD is not the President. (Aug. 29, 2005)
- DUBYA: I put a good man in charge of this program, and that's Dr. Mark McClellan. He's from Texas — which means he knows how to get something done. He's got him a PhD —
DUBYA: Now, wait a minute. If I had said, California, he'd have got things done, too. I'm just telling you he can get it done. That's why he's sitting where he's sitting. He's a PhD. Here you got on stage a C-student and a PhD, and look who's President. (Aug. 29, 2005)
- Condi said, come on by, we've got a bunch of university presidents here. And I said, great, just so long as we don't have to compare transcripts. She's the PhD, I'm the President. She's a heck of a Secretary of State, though. (Jan. 5, 2006)
- I called upon a fellow named Dr. Mark McClellan to join me in this effort. He's here. That's him right there. He is a — He's a PhD, see — I'm a C-student. Look who's the President and who's the advisor. (Mar. 14, 2006)
- DUBYA: What are your degrees, McClellan?
DR. MARK McCLELLAN: Mr. President, I have a medical degree, also a PhD
DUBYA: Yeah. One of the things I like to remind people of is this fact. He's a PhD — and I was an okay student. Look who the advisor is and look who the President is. (Apr. 11, 2006)
- I'm just a history major. And I'm with PhDs. Let me remind you who the President is. (Feb. 22, 2007)
- REPORTER: Mr. President, back to your grade point average on holding the line on taxes —
DUBYA: Whew, I thought you were going to talk about the actual grade point average. I remind people that, like when I'm with Condi I say, she's the PhD and I'm the C-student, and just look at who's the President and who's the advisor. (Sep. 20, 2007)
- There's a lot of action in Washington, D.C., believe me, and I've got a lot of decisions to make. And so I delegate to good people. I always tell Condi Rice, I want to remind you, Madam Secretary, who has the PhD and who was the C-student. And I want to remind you who the advisor is and who the President is. I got a lot of PhD-types and smart people around me who come into the Oval Office and say, Mr. President, here's what's on my mind. And I listen carefully to their advice. But having gathered the device, I decide, you know, I say, this is what we're going to do. (Oct. 3, 2007)
Doctorates Are for Losers > Drapes