
Quotes - Repeat Offender (Too Much Daytime TV)
"In my line of work you gotta keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kinda catapult the propaganda." - Dubya, May 24, 2005

Women of Cover
This repeat offense features Dubya arbitrarily deciding that women of the Islamic faith are to be referred to as "women of cover". Your guess is as good as mine.

  1. I see an opportunity at home when I hear the stories of Christian and Jewish women alike, helping women of cover, Arab American women go shop because they're afraid to leave their home. (Oct. 4, 2001)
  2. I was struck by this, that in many cities, when Christian and Jewish women learn that Muslim women women of cover were afraid of going out of their homes alone, that they went shopping with them, that they showed true friendship and support an act that shows the world the true nature of America. (Oct. 11, 2001)
  3. The story I talked about earlier was one that really touched my heart, about women of cover fearing to leave their homes. And there was such an outpouring of compassion for people within our own country, a recognition that the Islamic faith should stand side by side, hand to hand with the Jewish faith and the Christian faith in our great land. (Oct. 11, 2001)
  4. I see women of cover here, and I want to thank you for coming from the Muslim community here in America. (Dec. 4, 2001)
  5. I'll never forget the story of people in a Midwestern city, when they heard me on TV talk about how distressed I was that women of cover would not leave their homes, for fear of some other American treating them harshly, and then Jewish citizens and Christians alike, getting on the phone, and saying, we want to help you. We want to take you to the neighborhood store. This isn't the America we know. (Dec. 4, 2001)
  6. I love the story that came out of Michigan about the women of cover, of Muslim faith, who didn't feel comfortable about going to their home. (Jan. 5, 2002)
  7. I love the stories that had to do with the aftermath of September the 11th. When they heard that women of cover, women of the Muslim faith were worried about going outside their home because somebody might take severe action against them Jewish women and Christian women in the suburb of Detroit called up on the phone and said, we want to help you go to the store, we want to provide whatever comfort we can so you can go about your lives. (Jan. 5, 2002)
Women of Cover > The Holy Grail

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