
Quotes - Domestic Dubya (Maine)
(Dubya's verbal breakdowns, broken down by the part of the world where they occurred)
Alabama : Alaska : Arizona : California : Colorado : Connecticut : Delaware : Florida : Georgia : Hawaii : Idaho : Illinois : Indiana : Iowa : Kansas : Kentucky : Louisiana : Maine : Maryland : Massachusetts : Michigan : Minnesota : Mississippi : Missouri : Montana : Nebraska : Nevada : New Hampshire : New Jersey : New Mexico : New York : North Carolina : North Dakota : Ohio : Oklahoma : Oregon : Pennsylvania : Rhode Island : South Carolina : South Dakota : Tennessee : Texas : Utah : Vermont : Virginia : Washington : West Virginia : Wisconsin : Wyoming
There are 7 quotes on this page.

And so here we are at my mother and dad's house, enjoying a beautiful Maine day, fixing to sit down with the President of France.
Another occasion (more here) where Dubya puts mother and dad together, rather than opting with the much more conventional mom/dad or mother/father pairings. Kennebunkport, Maine, Aug. 11, 2007

A couple of days ago in New York I was having a Diet Coke with my friend, Prime Minister Koizumi. He's the Prime Minister of Japan.
Wow, this kinda feels like a product endorsement, Bangor, Maine, Sep. 23, 2004

We are in the process of helping them implement a strategy which is was described to us in Aqaba as to how the Palestinian Authority want to reconstitute a security force in order to make sure the terrorists, the haters of peace, those who can't stand freedom do not have their way in the Middle East.
If that made sense to you, let me know, Kennebunkport, Maine, Jun. 15, 2003

I think that freedom is a powerful incentive. And I am I believe that someday freedom will prevail everywhere, because freedom is a powerful drive for people to and it's the beginnings of people expressing themselves toward a free Iran, which I think is positive.
Well, at least he got the word 'freedom' in three times, Kennebunkport, Maine, Jun. 15, 2003

Wait for us to succeed peace. Wait for us to have two states, side by side is for everybody coming together to deny the killers the opportunity to destroy.
About as disjointed as it gets, Kennebunkport, Maine, Jun. 15, 2003

And in the meantime, before that state is established, it is clear that the free world, those who love freedom and peace, must deal harshly with Hamas and the killers. And that's just the way it is in the Middle East.
After all, Dubya's making the rules now, Kennebunkport, Maine, Jun. 15, 2003

Yes I'm distressed to hear about the latest suicide bombers in Israel. For those who yearn for peace in the Middle East, for those in the Arab lands, for those in Europe, for those all around the world who yearn for peace, we must do everything we possibly can to stop the terror. There are a few killers who want to stop the peace process that we have started. We must not let them. For the sake of humanity, for the sake of the Palestinians who suffer, for the sake of the Israelis who are under attack, we must stop the terror. I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop these terrorist killers. Now watch my drive.
Dubya takes a moment from his golf game to comment on a terrorist attack in Israel that claimed 9 lives, Kennebunkport, Maine, Aug. 4, 2002

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