Quotes - Domestic Dubya (Idaho) (Dubya's verbal breakdowns, broken down by the part of the world where they occurred)
There are 5 quotes on this page.
In Iraq, Afghanistan and across the world, we face dangerous enemies who want to harm our people, folks who want to destroy our way of life.
Again with the enemies as "folks" approach... Nampa, Idaho, Aug. 24, 2005 Today's enemies do not mass armies on borders, or navies on high seas. They blend in with the civilian population. They emerge to strike, and then they retreat back into the shadows. And that's why there are thousands of our fellow citizens running down every single piece of intelligence we can find, doing everything we can to disrupt folks that might be here in America trying to hurt you.
And again... Nampa, Idaho, Aug. 24, 2005 See, producing a constitution is a difficult process. It involves a lot of debate and compromise. We know that from our own history. Our Constitutional Convention was the home to political rivalries and regional disagreements. And the document that our founders produced in Philadelphia was not the final word. After all, it has been amended many times over the century.
Which century is he talking about? Nampa, Idaho, Aug. 24, 2005 The terrorist Zarqawi sums up their appeal this way. Anyone who stands in the way of our struggle is our enemy and target of the swords. That's the sum of his grim vision.
Not to equate him with the terrorists, but doesn't this grim vision sound incredibly similar to Dubya's doctrine of being "either with us or against us"? Nampa, Idaho, Aug. 24, 2005 I want to thank Mayor Tom Dale of Nampa. I appreciate you, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Mayor — he didn't ask for any advice, but I'll give you some anyway — fill the potholes.
Dubya brings back an old favorite, Nampa, Idaho, Aug. 24, 2005 |
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