
Quotes - Domestic Dubya (Alaska)
(Dubya's verbal breakdowns, broken down by the part of the world where they occurred)
Alabama : Alaska : Arizona : California : Colorado : Connecticut : Delaware : Florida : Georgia : Hawaii : Idaho : Illinois : Indiana : Iowa : Kansas : Kentucky : Louisiana : Maine : Maryland : Massachusetts : Michigan : Minnesota : Mississippi : Missouri : Montana : Nebraska : Nevada : New Hampshire : New Jersey : New Mexico : New York : North Carolina : North Dakota : Ohio : Oklahoma : Oregon : Pennsylvania : Rhode Island : South Carolina : South Dakota : Tennessee : Texas : Utah : Vermont : Virginia : Washington : West Virginia : Wisconsin : Wyoming
There are 2 quotes on this page.

I had the privilege of voting in the Republican primary in 1974. As you know, you've got a one-month residency requirement and I met it. So I voted. I can't remember who I voted for, but I was a proud participant.
Exhibiting vague nostalgia for voting in the Alaska Republican primary in 1974, Anchorage, Alaska, Feb. 16, 2002

We expect there to be transparency. People who have something to hide make us nervous.
Speaking about Iraq, Anchorage, Alaska, Feb. 16, 2002

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