
Quotes - Dubya the Policymaker (2003)
(Dubya's command of the issues in full relief)
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It's going to be very important for the Iraqi authorities to reach out to those people and talk about a system that guarantees minority rights, and a system which says that for some the future is bright.
I guess a bright future for all is out of the question, Washington, D.C., Dec. 15, 2003

I think when people begin to realize that, when people begin that were, I would call them fence-sitters, when people begin to realize that the Saddam regime is gone forever, and that the new society that will emerge will be a fair society, it will protect people, and protect people from the protect them based upon their own religious views, for example, guarantee them rights is what I mean by "protect," that it's more likely people will begin to sign on to the future of Iraq.
That makes sense, sorta. Washington, D.C., Dec. 15, 2003

Our productivity is high. I hope some of it has to do I know some of it has to do, I hope you understand some of it has to do with the fact that the role of government can help create growth.
Nicely put, Halethorpe, Maryland, Dec. 5, 2003

The second pillar of peace and security in our world is the willingness of free nations, when the last resort arrives, to retain aggression and evil by force.
I hope that isn't what he meant to say, London, England, Nov. 19, 2003

See, we want everybody in this country, every person we want the addict, we want the single lonely mom, we want the child, the dyslexic child all to feel a part of the future of this country.
Making one-parent families sound like a lonely affliction, similar to drug abuse or dyslexia, Dallas, Texas, Oct. 29, 2003

I made it very clear, obviously I said this during the pool spray there that a treaty [with North Korea] is not going to happen, but there are other ways to affect, on paper, what I have said publicly we have no intention of invading.
Very clear, indeed, aboard Air Force One, Oct. 22, 2003

The APEC summit was positive. I mean, one of the things that's very important the two things that came out of that, although evidently didn't get equal emphasis, but they were equally emphasized by all parties, was, one, the need to get the Doha round of trade going again.
En route to Australia aboard Air Force One, Oct. 22, 2003

And it's interesting in the room there is something like 60 percent of all the world trade was affected was countries in that room, and therefore it was a, I think, a very positive and strong statement.
On the draft statement on multilateral trade issues made at the APEC summit, aboard Air Force One, Oct. 22, 2003

REPORTER: Does the US actually see Australia as its deputy sheriff in Southeast Asia?
DUBYA: No, we don't see it as a deputy sheriff, we see it as a sheriff. There's a difference.
Dubya clears up any confusion about whether the US sees Australia as an equal, but fails to understand what calling Australia a sheriff means for international diplomacy in Southeast Asia, where the preemption policy has few friends. Oops. Bangkok, Thailand, Oct. 19, 2003

Medical liability reform is a national problem that requires a national solution. The House has passed a good bill. It is stuck in the Senate. Senators must understand no one has been healed by a frivolous lawsuit in America.
I'm sorry, this one always makes me laugh... Manchester, New Hampshire, Oct. 9, 2003

I do think it would be helpful to get the United Nations in to help write a constitution. I mean, they're good at that.
Dubya finds something complimentary to say about the UN, interview broadcast on Fox Broadcast Network, Sep. 22, 2003

My call, however, to nations is, is that let us not get caught up in past bickering.
Poetic. Washington, D.C., Sep. 10, 2003

These highway bills come in six-year increments. I proposed $30 billion more spending on highways over the next six, and the last six.
Dubya travels back through time to propose highway spending, Richfield, Ohio, Sep. 1, 2003

Before I talk about the solutions, I do want people to understand that if you are concerned about the endangered species, then you need to be concerned about catastrophic fire. Fires destroy the animals which, obviously, live amidst the raging fire. If you're concerned about old growth, large stands of timber, then you better be worried about the conditions that create devastating fires. The worst thing that can happen to old stands of timber is these fires. They destroy the big trees. They're so explosive in nature that hardly any tree can survive. We saw that with our own eyes, choppering in here. Thinning underbrush makes sense, makes sense to save our species, it makes sense of animals it makes sense to save the big stands of trees.
What doesn't make sense is all of the above, especially the part about animals living amidst raging fire (my favorite) and the concept that underbrush is what creates forest fires. Redmond, Oregon, Aug. 21, 2003

We need to thin our forests in America.
Extending his suggestion to thin fire-prone forests to include all forests throughout the nation, Summerhaven, Arizona, Aug. 11, 2003

Catastrophic fires burn so hot that it is incredibly hard to put them out. The kindling on the ground, the decades of neglect, the decades of failed policy have meant that our forest fires are incredibly hot, incredibly catastrophic. If you don't believe me, ask people like Dan, who make a living fighting these fires.
Sounds like you're aiming to put Dan out of work, Dubya, Summerhaven, Arizona, Aug. 11, 2003

The key for a peace to happen is for both parties to assume their necessary obligations and responsibilities, to create the conditions so that people have confidence, that people know that their lives will be safe and that prosperity can break out.
Look out, prosperity might break out, Crawford, Texas, Aug. 6, 2003

My first concern, Dick, was for those folks who couldn't find a job. And I addressed unemployment and addressed economic stagnancy with a tax cut that affected growth or the lack of growth in a positive way. And I'm optimistic about our economy. But I'm not going to stop working until people can find a job who are looking for work. ...Listen, thank you all very much for giving me a chance to come and answer some of your questions. For those of you who are traveling to Crawford, gosh, did you luck out. And we look forward to seeing you there.
Shortly after which Dubya left Washington for a 35-day vacation, White House, Jul. 30, 2003

Our opportunity in society must also be a compassionate society.
??? Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Jul. 28, 2003

And so, but these are all difficult issues. By the way, we are now discussing them, now, in a frank way which is progress unto itself.
Pretty disjointed, even for Dubya, White House, Jul. 25, 2003

Security is the essential roadblock to achieving the road map to peace.
I would have thought "insecurity" would be the roadblock, but go figure, White House, Jul. 25, 2003

And, obviously, the more help we can get, the more we appreciate it. And we are continuing to work with other nations to ask their help advice.
No appreciation for small favors, I guess — or for "help advice" — Crawford, Texas, Jul. 21, 2003

The reason I like to talk about volunteers, this country of ours has got a lot of muscle, and we're strong. And we, by the way, stay strong in order to keep the peace. We will stay strong in order to promote freedom. But the truth of the matter is, the great strength of America is the heart and soul of the American citizen. People who are willing to dedicate time to make somebody else's life better. People who are willing to volunteer. And this guy, Dennis Roberson, comes here and volunteers to help teach children healthy lifestyles, to teach children how to use the computer, to teach children how to access the Internet. To teach children that a healthy body and a healthy mind will lead to a strong future.
Here Dubya attempts to logically link fitness, peacekeeping, freedom and volunteering, Dallas, Texas, Jul. 18, 2003

And the men up here represent a representative sample of what we call the faith community in America. People who first and foremost have been called because of a calling much higher than government.
Employing creative syntax in discussion of faith-based initiatives, Washington, D.C., Jul. 16, 2003

Our country puts $1 billion a year up to help feed the hungry. And we're by far the most generous nation in the world when it comes to that, and I'm proud to report that. This isn't a contest of who's the most generous. I'm just telling you as an aside. We're generous. We shouldn't be bragging about it. But we are.
Wow. Washington, D.C., Jul. 16, 2003

And we've created these offices whose sole function it is to, one, recognize the power of faith and, two, recognize there are fantastic programs all throughout the country on a variety of subjects, all based upon faith, all changing lives, all making American life better, and therefore, folks would be enlisted in making sure the American dream extends throughout our society.
I must say I got lost toward the end there, Washington, D.C., Jul. 16, 2003

And one of the greatest societal needs is we have is to make sure our guys that spent time in the pen, not only receives spiritual guidance and love, but spiritual guidance and love can only go so far. And it's also helpful to have him be trained in a job which exists. In other words, there's practical application of taxpayers' money that we want to get into the hands of our faith-based organizations all throughout our society.
Someone help me here, Washington, D.C., Jul. 16, 2003

There is no reason in the world why the great continent of Africa can't be self-sustaining in food. And not only self-sustaining, how about being the capacity to help others eat.
Even better, Washington, D.C., Jul. 16, 2003

I'm not not any intention of second-guessing his tactics. We share the same outcome.
On South African President Thabo Mbeki, with whom Dubya apparently shares an outcome (?), Pretoria, South Africa, Jul. 9, 2003

And then we'll be going to Goree Island, where I'll be giving a speech about race, race in the world, race as it relates to Africa and America. And we're in the process of writing it. I can't give you any highlights of the speech yet because I, frankly, haven't seen it.
Dubya demonstrating his level of policy involvement when it comes to worldwide race relations, Washington, D.C., Jul. 3, 2003

I'll be carrying a message to the African people that, first, America cares about the future of Africa. It's in our national interests that Africa become a prosperous place. It's in our interest that people will continue to fight terror together. It's in our interest that when we find suffering, we deal with it.
Looks like Dubya will win the hearts and minds of Africans with his unambiguous message of: "America wants to help you because it serves our purposes", Washington, D.C., Jul. 3, 2003

The best way to describe it is, we're really happy with what we've seen so far. But we're realists in this administration. We understand that there's been years of hatred and distrust, and we'll continue to keep the process moving forward.
The process of hatred and distrust, or that other process? Washington, D.C., Jul. 2, 2003

I mean, if somebody is practicing preventative medicine, it's going to mean Medicare costs go up. Medicaid costs will go up. Veterans health benefits go up.
I don't think the last one is a bad result, Dubya. Miami, Florida, Jun. 30, 2003

I know there are serious obstacles to overcome. Introducing democracy is hard in any society. ...[Liberian] President Taylor needs to step down so that his country can be spared further bloodshed.
Introducing democracy is even harder when the leader of the world's most famous democracy asks the democratically-elected (although admittedly detestable) leader of Liberia to step down from his job, Washington, D.C., Jun. 26, 2003

Whatever amount of energy and effort is required from the White House, we will provide it, to get a bill done this summer, one that I can sign and then we can all go back to our districts in my case, tour the country and say we have accomplished a major objective. Together we work together.
He really hit home with the final summary there, Washington, D.C., Jun. 25, 2003

I like to remind people that there are three parties involved directly in the territories there. There's the Israeli government. I believe the Israeli people want peace, and I believe their government when they say they want a peaceful state, living side by side Israel.
Forget the three parties he's supposed to be reminding us about, how about this concept of Israel living side by side with itself? That would be quite a feat. Washington, D.C., Jun. 25, 2003

And in the meantime, before that state is established, it is clear that the free world, those who love freedom and peace, must deal harshly with Hamas and the killers. And that's just the way it is in the Middle East.
After all, Dubya's making the rules now, Kennebunkport, Maine, Jun. 15, 2003

The credibility of this country is based upon our strong desire to make the world more peaceful and the world is now more peaceful after our decision. The strong desire to make sure free nations are more secure our free nations are now more secure, and the strong desire to spread freedom. And the Iraqi people are now free and are learning the habits of freedom and the responsibilities that come with freedom.
I got lost about half way through this, and I'm pretty sure Dubya did, too, Washington, D.C., Jun. 9, 2003

A free society is one in which will mean more likely a peaceful partner in a troubled neighborhood.
On Iraq, Little Rock, Arkansas, May 5, 2003

We also understand the habits of freedom are more likely to make the world a more peaceful and hopeful place.
Talking up the idea of "habits of freedom", Santa Clara, California, May 2, 2003

And anyone in the world, including the Arab world, who works and sacrifices for freedom has a loyal friend in the United States of America.
Apparently the Arabs live in a world all their own, but he'll include them this time, aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln, May 1, 2003

Well, the key thing on the North Korea agenda is that China is assuming a very important responsibility, and that is that they will confirm that which work toward that which Jiang Zemin told me in Crawford, right around the corner here, that China's policy is for a nukyular weapons free Peninsula.
Fort Hood, Texas, Apr. 20, 2003

[Nuclear weapons] may end up in the hands of dictators, people who are not afraid of using weapons of mass destruction, people who try to impose their will on the world or blackmail free nations.
On nuclear proliferation and North Korea. By the time he gets to the part about "imposing their will on the world" and "blackmailing free nations", I lose track of whether he's talking about namelss outlaw regimes or his own administration. Prime time press conference, White House, Mar. 6, 2003

The price of doing nothing [in Iraq] exceeds the price of taking action, if we have to. We'll do everything we can to minimize the loss of life. The price of the attacks on America, the cost of the attacks on America on September the 11th were enormous. They were significant.
But Iraq isn't responsible for the 9/11 attacks, so we're talking about apples and oranges here, Dubya. Prime time press conference, White House, Mar. 6, 2003

The American people know that Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction. By the way, he declared he didn't have any.
When asked about concerns over the lack of evidence or justification supporting intervention in Iraq. I guess you have to take his word on it (and agree to be labelled as "knowing" that Saddam Hussein has the weapons), prime time press conference, White House, Mar. 6, 2003

And my fervent desire is for the is to achieve peace, and to improve the plight of the Palestinian citizen and, at the same time, improve the security for not only the Palestinians, but the Israelis. We work the peace issue constantly.
Dubya freely admits that his administration "works the Israeli-Palestinian issue", White House, Feb. 27, 2003

Leaders in the region speak of a new Arab charter that champions internal reform, greater politics participation, economic openness, and free trade. And from Morocco to Bahrain and beyond, nations are taking genuine steps toward politics reform.
What might be even better is greater political participation and political reform, Washington, D.C., Feb. 26, 2003

But as we insist that Congress be wise with your money, we're going to make sure we spend enough to win this war. And by spending enough to win a war, we may not have a war at all.
Our military spending will apparently convince Saddam Hussein to disarm, Kennesaw, Georgia, Feb. 20, 2003

I particularly want to thank the four folks who have recovered from homelessness and addiction to alcohol and drugs.
Apparently being homeless is a sickness, Nashville, Tennessee, Feb. 10, 2003

The best way to secure the homeland is to continue to hunt the killers down one at a time.
It still seems to me that hunting them down en masse would be better than one at a time, but maybe that's just me, White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, Feb. 9, 2003

I think that no matter how Mr. Saddam is dealt with, the goal of disarming Iraq still stays the same, regardless of who is in charge of the government. And that's very important for the Iraqi people to know.
So after months and months of stating that Iraq had to disarm because Saddam Hussein is untrustworthy, Dubya decides that the entire nation and eveybody in it is untrustworthy, Washington, D.C., Jan. 30, 2003

It's a commission not only to convince our fellow citizens to love one another just like we like to be loved. It's a commission also to devise practical ways to encourage others to serve. And one practical way is for the development of an award that Americans from all walks of life all around our country will be able to post boldly on their wall, that says, "I served this great country by loving somebody."
I think they're going to run out of awards pretty quickly if loving somebody is the criterion for receiving one, Washington, D.C., Jan. 30, 2003

It's a law that'll recognize that an affordable and accessible health care system can best be had if we limit the la caps put caps on non-economic and punitive damages. That's what it understands
On medical liability reforms, Scranton, Pennsylvania, Jan. 16, 2003

I hope the Congress will extend the unemployment benefits for for the American workers who don't have a job soon, as quickly as possible.
As opposed to the unemployment benefits for the workers with jobs, in prepared statement, Washington, D.C., Jan. 6, 2003

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