Quotes - Dubya the Policymaker (2002) (Dubya's command of the issues in full relief)
DUBYA: Igor. In Ingles?
RUSSIAN FOREIGN MINISTER IGOR IVANOV [repsonding in English]: Thank you for receiving us, first thing. I guess unnecessary quips in Spanish is all we could expect in the international diplomacy department from Dubya in his meeting with UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, Danish Foreign Minister Per Stig Moeller, and Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov, White House, Dec. 20, 2002 In other words, I don't think people ought to be compelled to make the decision [concerning smallpox vaccination] which they think is best for their family.
Instead, they ought to be compelled to follow your orders, Dubya? I'm sure that's much better. Freedom of choice is highly overrated in a democracy, Washington, D.C., Dec. 11, 2002 And I also recognize the limitations of government. Government can hand out money and, frankly, we do a pretty good job of it sometimes.
Dubya severely undercutting his message one sentence later, New Orleans, Louisiana, Dec. 3, 2002 Well, I think what has to happen is there first be a strategy that recognizes that the Czech Republic can provide a certain contribution, or the French, or the British — not the French — but the Germans or the British can provide certain kind of capabilities, and that we dovetail each capability to an overall strategy.
I guess the French have nothing to contribute to NATO after all, Washington, D.C., Nov. 19, 2002 And just like the United Nations has agreed that it is important to disarm him, for the sake of peace, and so the next step will be to put an inspection regime in there to — after all the declarations and after all the preamble to inspections, that he's got to show the world he's disarming.
Dubya offers a rambling grammatical potpourri meant to clarify his position on Saddam Hussein, White House, Nov. 7, 2002 And job creation and economic security — job creation and economic security, as well as homeland security, are the two most important priorities we face.
How about mathematics education, Dubya? Is that a priority? White House, Nov. 7, 2002 It doesn't make any sense to have a forest policy that will not allow for thinning and clearing, a forest policy that is so backward that we allow kindling to build up in these forests, and then with an act of nature, or with a sleight of hand by mankind, our national treasures burn to the ground.
From the typical references to forests as kindling, through to the inexplicable application of the phrase "sleight of hand", this is a classic Dubya moment, Northern State University, Aberdeen, South Dakota, Oct. 31, 2002 And what they didn't also understand is that here at home, the evil done to us is going to lead to a better America, is going to lead to a better America. Now, government can help — government can help have a better America. We have a good education system. We're working hard to achieve that. We need to make sure our medical systems are modern. Listen, medicine has changed. Medicare hadn't. Medicine has evolved. Medicare is essentially stuck in the past. For the sake of our seniors, for the sake of a better life, we need to modernize Medicare and make sure there's a prescription drug benefit for our seniors.
To sum up, Sept. 11 will be credited for providing better education and health care for senior citizens, Downingtown, Pennsylvania, Oct. 22, 2002 But the best way to protect the homeland is to find these killers. And that's exactly what our country is doing, one person at a time. It's like an international manhunt. And we're making progress.
What killers? The dead ones? Why is it "like" an international manhunt? Washington, D.C., Oct. 3, 2002 We're closely monitoring it. This is a — any strike's a tough situation, but this one happens to come at a — or a lockout is a tough situation, or no work is a tough situation.
Demonstrating his grasp of the issues surrounding the West Coast longshoreman lockout, Washington, D.C., Oct. 1, 2002 I appreciate all the members of Congress working to come up with a resolution. It sends a clear signal to the world that this country is determined to disarm Iraq, and thereby bring peace to the world.
So all we need to do to achieve world peace is disarm Iraq? Why didn't you tell us sooner? Washington, D.C., Oct. 1, 2002 We're allowing our forests to grow up like giant piles of kindling, and just hoping that something doesn't happen. We're — backwards policy.
Denver, Colorado, Sep. 23, 2002 I say priorities. I say priorities. The most important priority we have today and tomorrow is to protect the homeland. That's the most priority in America.
Trenton, New Jersey, Sep. 23, 2002 We've got to understand, in America there are pockets of despair and hopelessness, places where people hurt because they're not sure if America is meant for them, places where people are addicted. And government can help eradicate these pockets by handing out money.
It's just that simple, Trenton, New Jersey, Sep. 23, 2002 I'm talking about Iraq. That country has got a leader which has attacked two nations in the neighborhood, a leader who has killed thousands of people, a leader who is brutal — see, remember, we believe every life matters and every life is precious — a leader, if there is dissent, will kill the dissenter, a leader who told the United Nations and the world he would not develop weapons of mass destruction, and for 11 long years has stiffed the world.
Love the wording, Trenton, New Jersey, Sep. 23, 2002 If you want to keep the peace, you've got to have the authorization to use force.
White House, Sep. 19, 2002 I want you to tell your children that when they hear all the talk and all the speculation and all the thousands of hours of so-called experts babbling away about this, that or the other, that the true policy of this government is to achieve peace for generations to come.
And apparently debate has been relegated to babbling, South Bend, Indiana, Sep. 5, 2002 You need to tell your loved ones, the little ones in particular, that when they hear the President talking about Al Qaeda, Iraq and other places, I do so because I long for peace.
Echoes of George Orwell's "Ministry of Peace"... Louisville, Kentucky, Sep. 5, 2002 And then you say, well, why, Mr. President, do you need to talk about making the tax relief permanent? Because a quirk in the law in the United States Senate says that you won't — we're going to cut your taxes, but in 10 years it will have come back. It's hard for me to explain. I mean, how can you say, on the one hand, we're cutting your taxes, on the other hand, it goes away after 10 years?
Makes you wonder how he gets through more complicated matters, Louisville, Kentucky, Sep. 5, 2002 And one of the issues we're faced with is this — because of a quirk in the law, this tax relief plan that we have passed is going to expire in 10 years. I admit that's kind of hard to explain. That's tough to explain in Crawford, for example, when you tell them we'll get you tax cuts, but we're going to take it away from you.
Adding insult (to the people of Crawford) to his inability to explain Senate rules, South Bend, Indiana, Sep. 5, 2002 But here's the problem, here's the problem — because of the Senate rules, all the tax relief that we passed, which both Republicans and Democrats voted for, goes away after 10 years. Now, that's a hard one to explain at the coffee shop there in Crawford.
South Bend, Indiana, Sep. 5, 2002 There's no doubt in my mind that we should allow the world worst leaders to hold America hostage, to threaten our peace, to threaten our friends and allies with the world's worst weapons.
Oops. South Bend, Indiana, Sep. 5, 2002 I will first remind the United Nations that for 11 long years, Saddam Hussein has side-stepped, crawfished, wheedled out of any agreement he had made not to harbor — not to develop weapons of mass destruction, agreements he's made to treat the people within his country with respect. And so I'm going to call upon the world to recognize that he is stiffing the world.
While most would focus on Dubya's usage of "crawfish" as a verb (a seldom used but valid usage), I direct your attention to "stiffing", which is ordinarily used to indicate a person who refuses to pay money or cheats in a business arrangement. At any rate, we have a Dubya original here. White House, Sep. 4, 2002 I've asked the Congress to join me in creating a new homeland security department. And the reason I did is because I want to be able to come and, when I see the people, say our most important priority is to protect America, and therefore, I want all agencies involved with protecting America under one umbrella.
Making it sound like the creation a homeland security department is merely for the purpose of mollifying the public, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Sep. 2, 2002 Because of a quirk in the Senate law, all the work that we did reverts back to normal in 10 years, normal being what it was prior to the tax relief. In other words it's kind of hard to explain. But you get tax relief and you don't get tax relief, see. It stays in place for 10 years and then it goes away.
I've heard Dubya try to explain this issue over and over, and he's never failed to drag it out unnecessarily, Stockton, California, Aug. 23, 2002 We need to thin. We need to make our forests healthy by using some common sense ... We need to understand, if you let kindling build up and there's a lightning strike, you're going to get yourself a big fire.
Dubya explaining that forest fires are caused by too many trees (kindling), and cutting them down is the answer, Central Point, Oregon, Aug. 22, 2002 People are beginning to get the message. I mean, Americans who have no idea what good forest policy means are beginning to see the fires on TV. It's a sad way for people to learn, but it's happening, and we're beginning to make some progress.
Professor Dubya taking members of the public to task for their "ignorance" of good forest policy, Central Point, Oregon, Aug. 22, 2002 I was in Mississippi during my so called vacation. I traveled to Mississippi. And the — I met a fellow who had — is a religious man, and he heard the call of taking his practice, his medical practice, into the Mississippi Delta, which is a poor, poor region of America. It's a significant percentage of the population there is African American. These poor folks need health care.
A good doctor went on down to Mississippi with the power of the Lord to save those poor, poor, African Americans, who can't help themselves, Dubya? I hope the patronizing tone was accidental. Central Point, Oregon, Aug. 22, 2002 Nothing he has done has convinced me — I'm confident the Secretary of Defense — that he is the kind of fellow that is willing to forgo weapons of mass destruction, is willing to be a peaceful neighbor, that is — will honor the people — the Iraqi people of all stripes, will — values human life. He hasn't convinced me, nor has he convinced my administration.
Mental spurts about Saddam Hussein, Crawford, Texas, Aug. 16, 2002 I had the honor of meeting a fellow named Jerome Harvey. He's a professional fire fighter who volunteers his time to help people in need. He grew up in a volunteer fire department, in the sense of taking on this important job as — for his lifetime. I bring him up because he's helping others learn how to fight fire. He's a part of what I call a soldier in the army of compassion.
Trying (and failing) to make sense here, Mt. Rushmore, South Dakota, Aug. 15, 2002 We've got problems, we've got challenges, this generation has got challenges to meet and we're going to meet those challenges head on. We've got the challenge of fighting and winning a war against terrorists and we're going to win that war against terrorists. We've got the challenges of protecting the homeland and we will do everything in our power to protect the homeland. And we've got the challenge of economic security. Economic security in this part of the world is a big challenge, and I understand that. But we'll do everything in our power to overcome that challenge, as well. No, this is America — American land based upon strong values, inhabited by great people. There's no doubt in my mind that the challenges we face will be challenges we overcome.
Going challenge crazy here... Mt. Rushmore, South Dakota, Aug. 15, 2002 Listen, thank you all for coming. I promise you I will listen to what has been said here, even though I wasn't here.
Umm... OK. Healthcare Security Session, President's Economic Forum, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, Aug. 13, 2002 The thing about the death tax, the death tax is punitive on small business owners. It is very tough on farmers and ranchers. it's hard to be able to keep your farm and your family if you've got a big appraisal value when a loved one dies. I firmly believe the death tax is good for people from all walks of life all throughout our society.
I'm gonna go ahead an assume he meant to say "the repeal of the death tax is good", Economic Recovery and Job Creation Session, President's Economic Forum, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, Aug. 13, 2002 We've got to be able to put the right people in the right job at the right time, without a thick book of rules that have little to do with protecting the American people.
A thick book of rules that assures employee rights apparently has nothing to do with protecting the American people, Madison Central High School, Madison, Mississippi, Aug. 7, 2002 I believe there's all kinds of brilliant and smart and capable Palestinians that, given the chance, given a chance to emerge — and by the way, people committed to peace — and given the chance to articulate that vision of peace will do so.
Classic Dubya diction that is as confusing to read as it is to hear, White House, Jul. 31, 2002 I'm a patient man. But I haven't changed my opinion since the last time [King Abdullah of Jordan] was in the Oval Office. And one of the things we will do is consult with our friends. But he just needs to know how I feel. He knows how I feel, I had the opportunity and the honor of explaining that to him before and he'll find out I haven't changed my mind.
Translation: "Thank you for coming all the way from Jordan with your concerns regarding a war with Iraq. Just to let you know, I have no intention of being dissuaded. But I look forward to our 'consultation'", White House, Jul. 31, 2002 I see Senator Lieberman, who is really working hard in the Senate to cobble together a homeland security bill that will work.
Dubya demonstrating again that he doesn't understand the negative connotation of the phrase "cobble together", White House, Jul. 26, 2002 Anybody who goes into court and wins their case ought to get full economic damages. At the same time, we must prevent excessive awards that drive up costs, encourage frivolous lawsuits, and promote drawn-out legal proceedings. And that is why we need a reasonable federal limit on non-economic damages awarded in medical liability lawsuits, and the reasonable limit in my judgment ought to be $250,000.
No explanation was provided why Dubya's judgment (and magic number) should supplant the judgment of individual states, but there it is (also note that on this day, Dubya participated in a fund raiser for Elizabeth Dole that garnered a "reasonable" $400,000, and the American taxpayer paid for half the trip since Dubya gave this medical reform speech in addition to the fundraising), Greensboro, North Carolina, Jul. 25, 2002 We just had a fantastic and very interesting discussion about problems that affect patients — patients in North Carolina, health care patients in Nevada, problems that affect our docs. ...Health care costs are up because docs are worried about getting sued and, therefore, oftentimes prescribe unnecessary and costly treatments. ... Because of the system, insurers no longer insure docs. ...And if docs don't practice medicine, it's hard to have good health care. ...[Jill Barnes is] eight weeks pregnant. She talks about the inability to find a doc. ...Lauri Peel had trouble finding a doc when she moved to Raleigh, because a lot of the practices were full. ...Lauri's looking for a doc right now.
Displaying an insatiable penchant for calling doctors "docs", Greensboro, North Carolina, Jul. 25, 2002 But the best way to protect the homeland is to hunt the killers down one by one and bring them to justice, and that's what this government is going to do.
Maybe it's just me, but is seems like the best way to "hunt the killers" would be to hunt them down all at the same time instead of one by one, but of course the killers all died on Sept. 11, so the whole proposition is moot anyway, Greensboro, North Carolina, Jul. 25, 2002 It's important for people to understand, particularly in Washington, this Department of Homeland Security is not a good Republican idea, it's not a good Democrat idea, it's simply an American idea, and they need to get their work done.
Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois, Jul. 22, 2002 But the truth of the matter is, we can't pass a law that says you'll love your neighbor like yourself. And we can't pass a law that says you will be honest. We can pass laws that say, if you're not honest, we'll get you.
Spooky and confusing all at once, Birmingham, Alabama, Jul. 15, 2002 And we did something else that's important — it's important for all small business owners — and that is we eliminated the death tax. I say we eliminated the death tax. By a quirk of the Senate rules, the death tax, however, isn't eliminated after 10 years. That's a hard one to explain. We eliminated it, but didn't eliminate it.
Someone might want to explain it to Dubya first, Birmingham, Alabama, Jul. 15, 2002 One of the worst taxes — one of the worst taxes in America is what they call the death tax. It's a tax that taxes people's assets more than once. It's a tax that hurts farmers and ranchers. It says you cannot leave your business —if you're a small business owner — to your relative.
The "Death Tax" is primarily called that by its detractors, including Dubya. It doesn't say you cannot leave your business to relatives, but rather says that the beneficiary is required to pay tax on what they receive, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Jul. 11, 2002 I believe people have taken a step back and asked, "What's important in life?" You know, the bottom line and this corporate America stuff, is that important? Or is serving your neighbor, loving your neighbor like you'd like to be loved yourself?
Dismissing the importance being placed on corporate misconduct as only Dubya can, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Jul. 11, 2002 Over 75 percent of white Americans own their home, and less than 50 percent of Hispanos and African Americans don't own their home. And that's a gap, that's a homeownership gap.
Less than 50 percent of white Americans (25% to be precise) don't own their homes, either, Dubya. Cleveland, Ohio, Jul. 1, 2002 It is conservative to understand government can hand out money, but it cannot put hope in people's hearts.
Dubya offering up a pretty cynical view of the government he oversees, Cleveland, Ohio, Jul. 1, 2002 But corporate America has got to understand there's a higher calling than trying to fudge the numbers, trying to slip a billion here or a billion there and may hope nobody notices.
This, of course, makes it sound like slipping billions, too, is a noble cause, just not the noblest, Washington, D.C., Jun. 28, 2002 Listen, we've got a lot of work to do to make sure the Forest Service has got wise forest policy — to make sure to maintain the forests so that they're healthy and viable, and not become kindling-boxes.
Making it sound like "insufficient" logging creates a fire hazard, Eagar, Arizona, Jun. 25, 2002 You know, the enemy would have loved to have seen a scrawny little budget up there.
You have to decide whether Dubya is really trying to divine the thoughts of the enemy here (which is hilarious), or if he is trying to paint anyone who would try to defeat his budget request as an enemy, Port Elizabeth, New Jersey, Jun. 24, 2002 We'd better make sure, for the good of the country, that the [American] Dream is vibrant and alive. It starts with having great education systems for every single child. ...It means we use the mighty muscle of the federal government in combination with state and local governments to encourage owning your own home. That's what that means. And it means — it means that each of us, each of us, have a responsibility in the great country to put something greater than ourselves — to promote something greater than ourselves. And to me, that something greater than yourself is to love a neighbor like you'd like to be loved yourself.
Atlanta, Georgia, Jun. 17, 2002 Part of being a secure America is to encourage homeownership. So somebody can say, this is my home, welcome to my home.
Drawing some interesting connections, Atlanta, Georgia, Jun. 17, 2002 But Mel's mother and daddy — Mel's mother and dad put him on an airplane to come to America when he was a young boy, because they didn't want his son growing up in a country that wasn't free.
Whose son? The young boy's son? I'm confused. On Housing & Urban Development Secretary Mel Martinez, Atlanta, Georgia, Jun. 17, 2002 Their job is to collect tariffs and to worry about people bringing things into our country, and yet they work for the Treasury Department. Well, the Treasury Department's job is to worry about fiscal matters, not the security of the homeland.
Dubya doesn't bother explaining how tariff collection, a function most logically associated with the Treasury, has anything to do with domestic security, Kansas City, Missouri, Jun. 11, 2002 Or how about the Coast Guard? The Coast Guard can do a good job of patrolling our borders, and they do. The Coast Guard is a fine outfit. But guess who they report to? The Transportation Department. The Transportation Department is worried about highways and airplanes and railroads.
I'm hoping Dubya knows that the Coast Guard is resonsible for patrolling the waterways of the U.S., not its borders, and the Department of Transportation is "worried about" waterways in addition to land and air passageways, Kansas City, Missouri, Jun. 11, 2002 I believe by being strong, diligent, by speaking out against right from wrong, by calling evil what it is, we can lead the world to a more peaceful tomorrow.
Des Moines, Iowa, Jun. 7, 2002 And, finally, we repealed the death tax. Now — but because of a quirk in the law, that repeal isn't permanent. It's hard for me to explain why. They repeal it, but didn't repeal it.
The President of the United States finding the legislative process too difficult to explain, in reference to the estate tax, a.k.a. the "death tax", Des Moines, Iowa, Jun. 7, 2002 I read the report put out by the bureaucracy.
Dubya's disparaging response to the Environmental Protection Agency's report on global warming submitted to the United Nations, Washington, D.C., Jun. 4, 2002 It's an interesting question about leadership. Does a leader lead, or does a leader follow? Does a leader lead opinion, or does a leader try to chase public opinion? My view is the leader leads. ... I understand a leader can't do everything. And so, therefore, a leader must be willing to surround himself, in my case, with smart, capable, honorable people. A leader must be willing to listen. And then a leader must be decisive enough to make a decision and stick by it. In politics, in order to lead, you've got to know what you believe. You have to stand on principle, you have to believe in certain values. And you must defend them at all costs. A politician who takes a poll to figure out what to believe is a politician who is constantly going to be trying to lead through — it's like a dog chasing its tail. And, finally, any leader must — in order to lead, must understand — must have a vision about where you're going.
Leading a discussion on leadership, St. Petersburg University, St. Petersburg, Russia, May 25, 2002 And I'm pleased to report, as you can probably see in your newspapers, [Arab leaders] are now, they're involved. I think one of our — and the reason I mention that is because I think their involvement to a process that I'm optimistic will succeed will then enable us to continue to more likely have an effect on promoting values that we hold dear — values of rule of law and democracy and minority rights.
Long-winded and somewhat confusing in press conference with German Chancellor Gerhardt Schroeder, Berlin, Germany, May 23, 2002 Yes, the human condition is very important to me. I mean, it is — and that's one way to make sure that the terrorists are less likely to be effective in their recruiting, is to promote those conditions necessary for human beings to realize their full potential, such as good health, and good education, and prosperity — those habits necessary for the growth of prosperity.
Press conference with German Chancellor Gerhardt Schroeder, Berlin, Germany, May 23, 2002 Sure. I'm a patient man. And I am a deliberate man. But the word "contain" doesn't work if someone's got the capacity to deliver a weapon of mass destruction. How can you contain somebody when they've got the ability to blackmail or launch a weapon?
It's called "Mutually Assured Destruction", Dubya, a strategy used by the nuclear powers since the 1950s, Washington, D.C., May 22, 2002 I also challenge Cuba's government to ease its stranglehold, to change its stranglehold on private economic activity.
Apparently some strangleholds are better than others, White House, May 20, 2002 Show the world you respect Cuban citizens enough to listen to your citizens and count their votes.
Prime example of the pot calling the kettle black in speech chastizing the Cuban regime for not being able to do what the U.S. likewise couldn't do in the 2000 presidential election, Miami, Florida, May 20, 2002 He's starving his own people... [and imprisoning intellectuals in] a Gulag the size of Houston.
On a rant about North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, who he also referred to as a "pygmy" and "a spoiled child at a dinner table" in the same meeting, private meeting with Republican Senators, Washington, D.C., May 16, 2002 And one of the things we've got to make sure that we do is anything.
On the Middle East, meeting with Israeli PM Sharon, Washington, D.C., May 7, 2002 I think the operative question is, how soon will you start working on reforms. That's the — if I could put a question in your own mouth. The answer is, as soon as possible. That's what we discussed about — how quickly can we begin the reform process. That's also, is what we'll with the Arab leaders who have got an interest in the area, about how to get reforms going.
Meeting with Israeli PM Sharon, Washington, D.C., May 7, 2002 We're dealing with centuries and years of hatred, and I understand that.
On the Palestinian/Israeli situation, White House, May 2, 2002 After all, a week ago, there were — Yasser Arafat was boarded up in his building in Ramallah, a building full of, evidently, German peace protestors and all kinds of people. They're now out. He's now free to show leadership, to lead the world.
Lead the world? White House, May 2, 2002 I do not have a calendar on my desk that says, at such and such a time you will stop. You, President Bush, on such and such a date will have run out the string and it's time for you to quit — that calendar doesn't exist. Because my mind-frame is this — when it comes to defending our freedoms, no matter how long it takes, that's exactly what this country is going to do.
Do what? Albuquerque, New Mexico, Apr. 29, 2002 Reading is the new civil right. Because if you can't read, you cannot possibly be educated, and if you're not educated, you can't succeed. And so in order to make sure — in order to make sure that everybody — and I mean everybody — I don't care how you vote, everybody gets a shot. We've got to make sure that everybody gets educated.
The benevolent despot at work (he doesn't care how you vote), Los Angeles, California, Apr. 29, 2002 And I — there is a role for government. When we fund programs, we ought not to discriminate against faith-based programs. And we ought not to cause the faith-based program to have to change its mission in order to receive any money. Otherwise it won't be a faith-based program. It will fall into the old government program.
I think I know what he's trying to say here, only he's not saying it, is he? Los Angeles, California, Apr. 29, 2002 And when they end up helping somebody who's been on welfare, they realize they're more help than the person they're trying to help.
Damage done in rush to wrap up speech on welfare reform, White House, Apr. 18, 2002 DUBYA: Maybe I should be a little less direct and be a little more nuanced, and say we support regime change.
REPORTER: That's a change though, isn't it, a change in policy? DUBYA: No, it's really not. Regime change was the policy of my predecessor, as well. REPORTER: And your father? DUBYA: You know, I can't remember that far back. It's certainly the policy of my administration. I think regime change sounds a lot more civil, doesn't it? The world would be better off without him. Let me put it that way, though. And so will the future. Putting a smiley face on his plans to overthrow the government of Iraq, press conference with Tony Blair, Crawford, Texas, Apr. 6, 2002 We share a vision of two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and insecurity.
Some people out there may claim Dubya meant to say "in security", but I'm sticking with my interpretation. New York Times, Apr. 6, 2002 That country has a right to defend herself. And as she does so, I urge that their government, the Israeli government, make sure that there is a path to peace as she secures her homeland. But they've got to keep in mind the need that there's got to be a peaceful solution at some point.
Dubya displaying his firm command of the circumstances in the Middle East, Crawford, Texas, Mar. 30, 2002 But there needs to be a focused, coalition effort in the region against peace — I mean, against terror for peace.
Crawford, Texas, Mar. 30, 2002 I was a little discouraged — not discouraged — I was quite discouraged at the end of the 2000 campaign to see tons of dollars flowing into the political campaign at the last minute, on these so-called independent groups, and we don't know who was funding them.
Discouraged or not? You make the call. Washington, D.C., Mar. 24, 2002 We don't take a bunch of polls and focus groups to tell us what — to how to, to how to — to what we ought to do in the world.
White House, Mar. 21, 2002 I talked about making the death tax permanent, so that Rolf can pass his assets to a family member, if he so chooses.
What Dubya is trying to say is he's talking about making the repeal of the "death tax" (also known as the estate tax) permanent. Oh, well. Remarks at Albers Manufacturing, O'Fallon, Missouri, Mar. 18, 2002 And I don't want Congress messing with the budget.
Because apparently that isn't their job, remarks at Albers Manufacturing, O'Fallon, Missouri, Mar. 18, 2002 I understand that the unrest in the Middle East creates unrest throughout the region.
Turning the logically obvious into a statement meant to show his "understanding", as only Dubya can, Washington, D.C., Mar. 13, 2002 There's nothing more deep than recognizing Israel's right to exist. That's the most deep thought of all. ... I can't think of anything more deep than that right.
Deep. Washington, D.C., Mar. 13, 2002 Some of what needs to be done didn't require law. I'm glad you brought that up. We just got 245(I) passed in the House of Representatives. Hopefully, that will come out of the Senate quickly. That's a step toward — that's a good reform, is one that I support. I also cautioned President Fox at the time that there will be no blanket amnesty in America. I don't think the will of the American people are for blanket amnesty.
Washington, D.C., Mar. 13, 2002 I know they understand the proper role of government. And that is that government can't make people love one another.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Mar. 12, 2002 We understand that Pennsylvania, like the other states in our Union, are full of compassionate people. And the job of government is to serve as a catalyst to capture that compassion.
Not sure how catalysts capture things, but whatever, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Mar. 12, 2002 I mean, sometimes we've got a process-oriented world. We ought to be a results-oriented world. We ought to care less — we ought to care less about rules and regulations, and more about how we're helping people help themselves.
Let me see if I got this straight, we should be interested in "how we're helping people" (a question that relates to the process)? Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Mar. 12, 2002 I mean, listen, Mom and Dad love children in the Muslim world just like we do in America, and they've got to understand that — that there are some common beliefs that we share that will make — and the Peace Corps is a good way to spread that message.
Good to know that America doesn't have a monopoly on parental love, and that they'll be informing Muslims of that fact, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Mar. 12, 2002 You know, I remember campaigning in Chicago and somebody said, would you ever spend a deficit? And I said, only if we're at war or we had a recession or there was a national emergency. Little did I realize we'd get the trifecta.
Yeah, lucky us, we hit the jackpot!!! As always, nice word choice, Dubya. Des Moines, Iowa, Mar. 1, 2002 And so here's our goal, here's the goal by which we'll be measured — here's the goal which I'll be measured first, and then John will definitely be measured if I'm measured.
Dubya announces drug control strategy, White House, Feb. 12, 2002 As a result of hardening the homeland against a bioterrorist attack with first-time responders, our neighborhoods will be ultimately safer for crime.
In addition to a repeat offense usage of "first-time responders", Dubya also inadvertently suggests his policy helps criminals, Denver, Colorado, Feb. 8, 2002 We think that the collective wisdom of those who own their land is a benefit to the nation; that when individuals make proper choices because they own their own property, that all those decisions in a collective way makes better environmental policy, better land use policy than if it was dictated from a central source of people, many of whom have probably never been on the land.
Remarks to the cattle industry annual convention and trade show, Denver, Colorado, Feb. 8, 2002 I understand how risky agriculture can be. It wouldn't be so risky if we could control the weather. That's one of the things we haven't figured out how to do yet. It wouldn't be so risky if we could make it rain all the time. There would be hay to feed the cows. Somehow, that doesn't happen all the time. I know.
He knows. Remarks to the cattle industry annual convention and trade show, Denver, Colorado, Feb. 8, 2002
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