
Quotes - What's in a Name? (2003)
(An abundance of terms, abbreviations and names... all messed up)
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I want to thank all the other members of the Congress and the Senate who have joined us. Thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedules to share in this historic moment.
Also known as the House and the Senate, at signing of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act, Washington, D.C., Dec. 8, 2003

REPORTER: Mr. President, we were told you got to see Mr. Chalabi today?
DUBYA: I did see Chalabi. I met with well, let's see, I had the dinner, you saw that. I wasn't sure how long you were there, you probably timed it, but an hour or so are these the times? Oh, these are the people there. I shook a lot of hands, saw a lot of kids, took a lot of pictures, served a lot of food and we moved on to see four members of the Governing Council the names are here. Talibani is the head of it right now, so he was the main spokesman. But Chalabi was there, as was Dr. Khuzaii.
Was it really too much to call him Mr. Chalabi? Air Force One, Nov. 27, 2003

You know, let me let me talk about Al Qaeda just for a second. I I made the statement that we're dismantling senior management, and we are. Our people have done a really good job of hauling in a lot of the key operators: Khalid Sheik Mohammed, Abu Zubaydah, Ramzi ahh Ramzi al Shibh, or whatever the guy's name was.
Eventually he got around to saying "Binalshibh", White House, Jul. 30, 2003

I don't know if the people in the State of Maryland know this, I know the Governor does the teachers here and the program here uses a strategy, what they call a Center for Improving Readiness for Children, Learning and Education, C.I.R.C.L.E., which is a model program.
I don't know if Dubya knows this, but C.I.R.C.L.E. stands for "Center for Improving Readiness of Children for Learning and Education", Landover, Maryland, Jul. 7, 2003

And the research I see some of my friends from the National Research Council, the National Institutions of Child Health who are here.
Dubya's "friends" are from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Landover, Maryland, Jul. 7, 2003

When you think about the continent of Africa, you think about leadership, you think about President Mbeki. He's taking strong positions along with President Obasanjo, and providing troops the South African.
By adding "the South African", Dubya is presumably clarifying which country's president has committed troops. In this context, Dubya would be "the American". Washington, D.C., Jul. 3, 2003

President [Arroyo] and I also reviewed the developments with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front MLIF. That group must abandon the path of violence.
Even if called by the wrong acronym, White House, May 19, 2003

REPORTER: And about the MILF your offer of assistance in the MILF problem...
DUBYA: Well, my offer of assistance, it depends upon the MLIF choosing peace as a peaceful reconciliation of issues. If they continue to want to use terror and force, we will be involved to the extent that the President invites us to be involved, within the constitution of the Philippine government.
Dubya's sticking to his acronym, come hell or high water, White House, May 19, 2003

We've had a great weekend here in the Land of the Enchanted.
Dubya expressing his appreciation (and detailed knowledge of) the "Land of Enchantment": New Mexico. Albuquerque, New Mexico, May 12, 2003

Uhh we are working hard to bring a diplomatic solution. And uhh we've made some progress. After all, the IEAE asked that the Security Council take up the North Korean issue.
The White House and every major news outlet completely whitewashed the fact that Dubya called the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) the "IEAE", and he even made a pointed effort to clearly enunciate it, prime time press conference, White House, Mar. 6, 2003

Columbia carried in its payroll classroom experim experiments from some of our ah students in America.
Speaking at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, Feb. 3, 2003

And, most importantly, Alma Powell, Secretary of Colin Powell, is with us.
In case you were wondering, Alma Powell is not the "Secretary of Colin Powell", but rather Secretary of State Colin Powell's wife, Washington, D.C., Jan. 30, 2003

The North Koreans made a decision. And the decision they made was to ignore international norm, ignore treaties that they had agreements that they had reached, and start building potential nukyular weapons, enriching uranium. And now they have expelled are in the process of kicking out IEAE people.
Dubya really has a hard time with the abbreviation of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), White House, Jan. 14, 2003

We'll work with Speaker Hastert, Leader DeLay and Congressman Pelosi, as well.
Would it have been too difficult to acknowledge the gender of the first female party leader in the history of the House of Representatives? Washington, D.C., Jan. 6, 2003

All Texans are proud that our state is the home to so many fine military units, including the great 1st Calvary Division.
It's Cavalry Dubya, Cavalry. Calvary is the hill upon which Jesus was crucified. Fort Hood, Texas, Jan. 3, 2003

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