
Quotes - This Day in Dubya History (December 21)
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There are 8 quotes on this date.

Today, we had a rocket attack that took a lot of lives. Any time of the year it's a time of sorrow and sadness when we lose a loss of life.
Compassion runs off the grammatical rails again, Washington, D.C., Dec. 21, 2004

The idea of a democracy taking hold in what was a place of tyranny and hatred and destruction is is such a hopeful moment in the history of the world.
The idea is a hopeful moment? Washington, D.C., Dec. 21, 2004

But Tommy said, this war the phase of this war is kind of like a baseball game. Of course, my ears perked up.
Well of course, what with all of the boring talk about war and all, Washington, D.C., Dec. 21, 2001

But all in all, it's been a fabulous year for Laura and me.
A fabulous year despite deadliest terrorist attacks in American history; makes one wonder what would constitute a bad year, White House, Dec. 21, 2001

I'm real proud of how the administration and our government has responded to the attacks on America. Got a good strategy in the first phase of the war, to rout terror.
Exhibiting pride in America's routing prowess, White House, Dec. 21, 2001

Every morning I come into the desk, and I would read the threat assessments to America.
Speaking of the present as a bygone era, White House, Dec. 21, 2001

The border here has got a little Texan in it.
Describing the new carpet in the Oval Office, Dec. 21, 2001

REPORTER: Sir, would you consider bringing or asking Congress to come back early and finish the economic stimulus?
REPORTER: Are you angry at anyone in Congress?
DUBYA: No, I'm not angry at all. I'm joyous. I welcome the holiday season. No, but I don't intend to bring them back early.
REPORTER: What is the impact of not passing a stimulus before the end of the year?
DUBYA: Well, the impact was it was disappointing.
REPORTER: What about for the American people?
DUBYA: Well, we'll just have to see. We'll have to see what the effects are. And we'll have time when they come back to take a look-see at the state of the economy. We're continuing to get mixed signals. Hopefully, the economy will be good, but we'll just have to we'll deal with it when we get back.
Dubya's sense of immediacy in passing an economic stimulus package fades in the end there. And the chief impact in not passing the package was Dubya's disappointment. How terrible for the American People Dubya. White House, Dec. 21, 2001

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