
Quotes - This Day in Dubya History (January 7)
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There are 9 quotes on this date.

Listen, the estate tax is a lousy deal, particularly for farmers and small business owners. I mean, you get taxed twice. You get taxed when you build your business, and then they tax you when you die.
Not only is his take on the estate tax inaccurate in depicting who it affects the most (very wealthy inheritors), but he also claims that a person is taxed once while alive, and again while dead. I'm pretty sure it's the inheritor paying the second round of taxes. Chicago, Illinois, Jan. 7, 2008

DUBYA: Every good school every school that succeeds by the way, it's a Blue Ribbon School. So I asked Margaret like, I remember coming up, everybody was a blue ribbon school. I don't know if you remember those days. It was kind of a feel-good era. Just say, okay, you're a blue ribbon school, and everybody feels better about education. There's less than 300 Blue Ribbon schools across America this year. I think what did you say, thirteen
EDUCATION SECRETARY MARGARET SPELLINGS: Two hundred and thirty nine public.
DUBYA: Two hundred thirty nine public schools are Blue Ribbon Schools, and maybe a dozen here in the state of Illinois.
You have to love the simultaneous belittling of the old days, and the celebration of an extremely small number of schools that meet Blue Ribbon standards for a country of 300 million. Chicago, Illinois, Jan. 7, 2008

I want everybody to vote. And I understand that parts of the Sunni area are being targeted by these killers. And their message is, if you vote, we'll kill you. But their real message is, is that we can't stand democracy. And you know if the free world steps back and lets these people have their way, it'll be we can't stand democracy here, and then we can't stand democracy there, and we'll never address the root causes of terror and hatred which is frustration caused by tyranny.
Dubya outlines the root cause of hatred, and has some fun with shifting pronoun references, White House, Jan. 7, 2005

First of all, we spend about $80 billion on asbestos litigation, and that could end up being $200 billion over time. Secondly, these asbestos suits have bankrupted a lot of companies, and that affects the workers here in Michigan and around the country. Thirdly, those with no major medal impairment now make up the vast majority of claims, while those who are truly sick are denied their day in court.
Introducing a heretofore unknown element to the discussion of asbestos suits, Clinton Township, Michigan, Jan. 7, 2005

That's been the proven example around the world. Democracies equal peace.
That's because democracies never go to war... Oh, wait a minute. White House, Jan. 7, 2005

And why is it [asbestos lawsuits] a national problem? Well, first of all, we spend about $80 billion on asbestos litigation, and that could end up being $200 billion over time. Secondly, these asbestos suits have bankrupted a lot of companies, and that affects the workers here in Michigan and around the country. Thirdly, those with no major medal impairment now make up the vast majority of claims, while those who are truly sick are denied their day in court.
When Dubya gets to the most plausible reason he has to call asbestos lawsuits a national problem, he kinda blows it, Clinton Township, Michigan, Jan. 7, 2005

And it was hard leadin' up the Afghan elections, as you remember. There was the lot of talk about how the somebody was gonna get killed and they couldn't vote. And sure enough, when people were given a chance, millions of people showed up, and the first voter was a woman in a country where women had been savaged by the former government run by the Taliban. So, look, I know it's hard.
"And sure enough" was not the phrase I was expecting given the gloomy lead-in, and Dubya claiming he understands how it is for poor Afghanis voting under threat of death? That's just funny. White House, Jan. 7, 2005

Well, I know there's an investigation going on, and I look forward to see the findings. But as I said, if he was mistreated because of his ethnicity, I'm going to be plenty hot. That means angry.
Dubya offers real-time Cliff's Notes for his speech patterns, White House, Jan. 7, 2002

[We're] working hard to convince both the Indians and the Pakis there's a way to deal with their problems without going to war.
Casually throwing an ethnic slur into the mix, White House, Jan. 7, 2001

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