
Quotes - This Day in Dubya History (January 6)
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There are 7 quotes on this date.

And all the representatives from America Samoa, really appreciate you all coming. Apologize for the weather, but I don't apologize for the policy, because we're fixing to do some fabulous policy.
Washington, D.C., Jan. 6, 2009

I can press when there needs to be pressed. I can hold hands when there needs to be hold hands.
Absolutely brilliant... White House, Jan. 6, 2008

I don't know how he [President Assad] interprets these meetings, but one thing he can't be mistaken about is the position of the U.S. government, the White House. And our position is, is that you [Syria] can have better relations, a better way forward with the United States, but you have got to get out of Lebanon, in terms of the presidential elections, and stop harboring Hamas, stop letting suiciders go into Iraq, and there's a better way forward.
Dubya ushers in the new year with a repeat offense that he refuses to retire, White House, Jan. 6, 2008

I can't imagine a tax code that penalizes marriage. It seems like to me we ought to be encouraging marriage to our tax code.
Dubya proposes something interesting here in a discussion on the economy, Chicago, Illinois, Jan. 6, 2006

And we also know that when somebody is looking for work who wants to work means we've got to continue to try to stimulate job growth.
A little front-end/back-end grammatical difficulty erupting here, Washington, D.C., Jan. 6, 2003

I hope the Congress will extend the unemployment benefits for for the American workers who don't have a job soon, as quickly as possible.
As opposed to the unemployment benefits for the workers with jobs, in prepared statement, Washington, D.C., Jan. 6, 2003

We'll work with Speaker Hastert, Leader DeLay and Congressman Pelosi, as well.
Would it have been too difficult to acknowledge the gender of the first female party leader in the history of the House of Representatives? Washington, D.C., Jan. 6, 2003

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