
Quotes - Dubya on Education (2006)
(Giving ample evidence of the need for an improved education system)
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And so I think we need to fund testing early in the high school systems, and to help students fix problems like we're doing in elementary school and high schools.
Now that's perfectly circular... Washington, D.C., Oct. 5, 2006

The goals of this country is to enhance prosperity and peace.
Grammar goes out the door again, in the White House Conference on Global Literacy, New York, New York, Sep. 18, 2006

But we want an education system to educate every child. And here's our vision of how it's done. First, you must have leadership that sets high standards. It's amazing what happens when you have low standards. Guess what happens. You get low results. It's what I call the soft bigotry of low expectations. If you don't have high standards, you get lousy results, particularly in some neighborhoods. And that's unacceptable to a person like Lynn Swann and me.
Nice grammar, Dubya. Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Aug. 15, 2006

Community colleges are practical. They design curriculum that meets the needs of today's world.
Plurals clash with singulars in a discussion on education, Omaha, Nebraska, Jun. 7, 2006

And it recognizes that we have got to educate our children now! for the skill sets necessary for tomorrow. And this is a better place there's no better place to talk about that and there is no better place to talk about that right here at Parkland Magnet Middle School for Aerospace Technology. Thanks for letting us come by. God bless.
He reformulates the phrase twice but never quite gets there, probably because he was trying to get the long name of the middle school right in his head (although he nearly makes "Magnet" sound like "Maggot" in the end). Rockville, Maryland, Apr. 18, 2006

The tests show we're fine in the fourth grade in math, and we're okay in eighth grade. They start to slip up prior to going to high school. That is the time to intervene in a child's academic career to make sure he or she has that skill set necessary to become the mathematicians or the scientists or the engineers by the time they get out of college.
In his push for an improved educational system, Dubya offers shifting plural/singular references that rival his best work to date, Rockville, Maryland, Apr. 18, 2006

We need to apply the same rigor of No Child Left Behind, particularly in middle age for math and science, to make sure that we're able to compete for the jobs of the 21st century.
Is he volunteering to be the test case? Cleveland, Ohio, Mar. 20, 2006

Laura and I's spirits are uplifted any time we go to a school that's working, because we understand the importance of public education in the future of our country.
I hope he pushes for extra funding for grammar programs, Glen Burnie, Maryland, Jan. 9, 2006

And the best place to start is to make sure every child can read and write and add and subtract. And so that was the spirit behind proposing the No Child Left Behind Act. And as I mentioned, there was a lot of non-partisan cooperation kind of a rare thing in Washington. But it made sense when it come to public schools.
I think the words he was looking for were "bipartisan" and "came", Glen Burnie, Maryland, Jan. 9, 2006

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